Erstellt von Sara. H S.
vor etwa 7 Jahre
What is a microscope?
Define the following term:
Monocular microscope
What do you call a light microscope with two ocular lenses?
What is the difference between binocular and monocular telescopes?
Contrast light microscopes and stereo microscopes.
How do you calculate magnification?
What is a micrometre?
How does an electron microscope work?
What are the two types of electron microscopes?
Give three differences between SEM and TEM.
What happens when an image seen in a monocular microscope when the slide is moved (e.g. to the left)?
Why must specimens be prepared and cut thin in order to be viewed in a light microscope?
You are shown a magnified three-dimensional image of a human liver cancer cell. What type of microscope was used to make the image?
What is the function if this part of a microscope: the mirror/lamp?
What is the function of this part of a microscope: the handle?