Erstellt von Kamariah .
vor fast 7 Jahre
The circulatory system has 2 sections
The system is made of
The Role of the blood circulatory system
how can extracellular fluid or interstitial fluid be defined?
What is Edema?
Name 2 contra-indication for lymphatic drainage
What carries the blood away from the heart?
Structure in the blood that give it its red color
Substance that gives blood it's red color
Name given to any tube that carries blood
Straw colored Part of the blood that is made of mostly water
Carries hemoglobin that binds to oxygen and picks up waste
The smallest blood vessels
Pumping of the human organ
Part of the blood that helps a wound to stop bleeding
White blood cells are also known as
More than half of your blood is made of a liquid called ______ which makes up _____ %
2 Answers
What do Platelets do?
Blood Vessels that carry blood
the heart to the body are called ____.
Blood vessels that carry blood
the heart from the body are called ___?
Name 3 substances that move from the blood into cells as the blood flows thru the capillaries
The main artery of the body is called _____.
Blood Ph level is ____.
RBC transport what to the cells and heart?
Define Hemo and Globulin
What do WBC or Lymphocytes do?
Besides fighting off toxins, viruses, tumorous cells, parasites, bacterias. What else does WBC do?
What brings oxygenated blood to the cells?
What brings deoxygenated blood to the heart?
Constant blood flow to the flow. How many pumps per minute?
Factors that influence blood circulation
What are the causes of high blood pressure?
What causes low blood pressure?
Inflammation of a vein caused by a blood clot
Progressive destruction of tissues caused by blood stagnation (untreated varicose veins)
Broken blood capillary at the surface of the skin
Redness that often accompanies couperose
Star-shaped teleangiectasia
Made up of clusters of capillaries at the surface of the skin, forming a small round dome
No waxing, no electricity, no deep massages for:
3 answers
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