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amna mohd
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Mindmap am Yellow eyes, erstellt von amna mohd am 01/03/2018.

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amna mohd
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Yellow eyesAnatomy of theliverLiverAnatomy of the biliarysystemJaundiceLiverfunctionBloodreservoirMetabolicorganCarbohydratemetabolismFatmetabolismProteinmetabolismStoragesiteDetoxificationIronVitaminsDrugsElimination of ammoniaElimination of bilirubinPhysiology of the Extrahepatic systemBileFat digestion by bile acidsLarge fat --> minute particlesAid in absorption of digested fat --> intestinal mucosal membraneExcretion of waste product from the blood including bilirubin & cholesterolWhat is it ?Signs & SymptomsA yellow tinge to the skin and thewhites of the eyes, normallystarting at the head andspreading down the bodyPale stoolsDark urineItchinessFatigueAbdominal painWeight lossVomitingFeverNormal billirubin metabolismTypesPre-HepaticHepatocellularPost-HepaticHaemolytic anaemiaGilbert’s syndromeCriggler-Najjar syndromeAlcoholic liver diseaseViral hepatitisMedicationHereditary haemochromatosisAutoimmune hepatitisPrimary biliary cirrhosisHepatocellular carcinomaPrimary sclerosing cholangitisIntra-luminal causes, such as gallstonesMural causes, such as cholangiocarcinoma, strictures, or drug-induced cholestasisExtra-mural causes, such as pancreatic cancer or abdominal masses (e.g. lymphomas)CausesHepatitisAlcohol-related liver diseaseBlocked bile ductsPancreatic cancerCertain medicinesA medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whitesof the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubinand typically caused by obstruction of the bile duct, byliver disease, or by excessive breakdown of red blood cells.EpidemiologyWhat is it?TypesHepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Many illnesses and conditions can cause inflammation ofthe liver, for example, drugs, alcohol, chemicals, and autoimmune diseases.HAV -- Developing countries with poor sanitary conditions and hygienic practicesHBC -- Western Pacific Region and the WHO African RegionHCV -- Eastern Mediterranean and European RegionsHDV -- Mediterranean, Middle East, Pakistan, Central and Northern Asia, Japan, Taiwan, Greenland and parts of AfricaHEV -- Resource-poor areas with frequent water contaminationPathophysiologyCD8 cells attack virally-infected hepatocytes and induce apoptosisSo there is infiltration of lymphocytes ( CD8)Persistent inflammation : will lead to fibrosis : chronic hepatitis: post-necrotic cirrhosisPrognosisLab investigationsLiver Function TestCBC/WBCHepatitis serological markers:Total BilirubinCBUCBSerum AlbuminTotal ProteinSerum GlobulinAlanine AminotransferaseAlanine PhosphataseGamma GTProthrombin TimeUrea, Electrolytes, and creatinineComplicationsFulminant hepatitisScarring of the liver (cirrhosis).Liver cancerLiver failureKidney failureVasulitisManagementHBVHCVLamivudineAdefovirEntecavirPegylated InterferonA cytosine analogue- Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)An analog of adenosine monophosphateSide effectsNephrotoxicityLactic acidosisAn analog of guanosine monophosphateSide effectsSide effectsPotential adverse events are headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, rash, and fever.Lung adenomas and carcinomas in mice, hepatic adenomas and carcinomas in rats and mice,vascular tumors in mice, and brain gliomas and skin fibromas in rats have been observed at varyingexposures.Headache, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, myalgia, and malaise are rareCo-infection with HIV may increase the risk of pancreatitisRibavirinBoceprevirTelarprevirDaclatsevirSofosbuvirA guanosine analogueSide effectsHemolytic anemiaDirect acting anti-viral agentsDirect acting anti-viral agentSofosbuvir is a nucleotide analog that inhibits the HCV NS5B RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inpatients infected with HCV genotype 1, 2, 3, or 4.Their metabolism and excretion mainly by the kidneys, where they undergo rapid proteolysis duringtubular reabsorption, so detection in the systemic circulation is negligibleSide effectsfFu-like symptomsBone depressionDoppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen