Erstellt von Emily Bevis
vor etwa 7 Jahre
Define Direct Democracy
Define Quota
Define Mandate
Define Wasted votes
Define Proportionality systems
What electoral system is used in the UK?
Advantages of FPTP
Disadvantages of FPTP
Examples of FPTP results unfair on smaller parties
Is FPTP becoming less effective?
Define Coalition Government
Arguments for/against Coalition gov
What is AMS?
Advantages of AMS
Disadvantages of AMS
2016 Scottish Parliament elcetion
What is STV?
Advantages of STV
Disadvantages of STV
What is the List System?
Jenkins Report
The most proportional electoral systems?
(from most to least)
Electoral systems with best MP/Constituency link
(best to worst)
Electoral system proved to created strong/stable Gov
Electoral Systems which give voters the most choice
(from most to least)
Define the AV system
Advantages/disadvantages of single party governments
Define 'split ticket voting'
Evidence for success of new electoral systems
Evidence for failure of new electoral systems
Models of representation
Define Referendum
2014 Scottish Independence referendum
2016 EU referendum
POSITIVES of referendums
NEGATIVES of referendums