Erstellt von Isleworth Physics
vor fast 7 Jahre
LEARN IT 1: Energy
List the 8 energy stores
What is a system?
What is a closed system?
What ways can energy be transferred in systems?
Describe in full the energy transfer for a ball thrown up into the air
Describe in full the energy transfer for a ball dropped
Describe in full the energy transfer for a car braking
Describe in full the energy transfer for a collision between two cars
What is the formula for kinetic energy?
What is the formula for gravitational potential energy
What is the formula for elastic potential energy?
What will be the ‘properties’ of something with a large amount of kinetic energy?
What will be the ‘properties’ of something with a large amount of gravitational potential energy?
What will be the ‘properties’ of something with a large amount of elastic potential energy?
What are the units for spring constant?
What does a large value of spring constant mean?
What is the conservation of energy principle?
What does dissipated mean?
What usually happens to wasted energy?
What is the definition of power?
If something has a power of 3 watts, what does this mean?
If something has a power of 10kW, what does this mean?
What are the formulae for power?
What does work done mean?
What methods could be used to reduce wasted energy in a bicycle?
What methods could be used to reduce wasted energy in a house?
How does cavity wall insulation reduce wasted energy by heating?
What does high thermal conductivity mean?
How does double glazing reduce wasted energy transfer by heating
What does efficient mean?
What are the two formula for calculating efficiency?
Why can efficiency never be greater than
1 or 100%?
What does an efficiency of 0.5 or 50% tell you?
Only one type of device is nearly 100% efficient. Which one?
What is a non-renewable energy resource?
List the non-renewable energy resources
What is a renewable energy resource?
List the renewable energy resources
List the energy resources than can be used in transport (cars, trains etc)
List the energy resources that can be used for heating
In a sentence, describe simply how wind power works
In a sentence, describe simply how solar cells work
In two sentences, describe simply how geothermal power works
In three sentences, describe simply how hydroelectric power works
In two sentences, describe simply how wave power works
In two sentences, describe simply how tidal barrages work
In three sentence, describe simply how
bio-fuels are used
In a sentence, describe simply how nuclear power stations work
Give the advantages and disadvantages of wind power
Give the advantages and disadvantages of solar cells
Give the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal power
Give the advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric power
Give the advantages and disadvantages of wave power
Give the advantages and disadvantages of tidal power
Give the advantages and disadvantages of biofuel power
Give the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power
Give the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuel power stations
Solar panels are sometimes filled with water. Why?
What is the difference between the words reliable and predictable?
What are the patterns and trends in the use of energy resources?
Why are we trying to use more renewable energy resources?
Although science can identify environmental issues to do with non-renewable energy resources, it does not mean we can just switch to using renewable ones.
What are the symbols and units of:
energy (general)
kinetic energy
gravitational potential energy
elastic potential energy
What are the symbols and units of:
What are the symbols and units of:
velocity or speed
What are the symbols and units of:
gravitational field strength
What are the symbols and units of:
spring constant
What are the symbols and units of:
What are the symbols and units of:
What are the symbols and units of:
What are the symbols and units of:
work done
What are the symbols and units of: