Erstellt von Eric Tepner
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
The change in enthalpy, dH, describes the....
a. total work delivered tot he system
b. total work done on the system
c. heat delivered to and non-mechanical work done on the system
d. non-mechanical work done on the system
Entopy is.....
a. intensive
b. sensitive
c. exhaustive
d. extensive
The magnitude of intensive quantities....
a. depends on the amount of substance
b. does not depend on the amount of substance
c. is extensive
d. is sensitive
Most phase transitions in the earth´s upper and lower mantle occur due to phase transitions of
high pressure forms of....
a. pyroxene
b. nickel
c. olivine
d. iron
The thermodynamic Grünseisenparameter combines?
a. elastic and thermal properties
b. electric and elastic properties
c. electric and thermal properties
d. magnetic and elastic properties
Heat capacity is the.......
a. temperature derivative of enthalpy
b. the pressure derivative of entropy
c. the volume derivative of internal energy
d. the entropy derivative of internal energy
The adiabatic exponent relates specific heat capacity to......
a. compressibilities
b. incompressibilities
c. bulk moduli
d.Grüneisen parameter
The Urey ratio (radiogenic heat generation rate/global heat flow rate), equals about....
a. 0.1
b. 0.4
c. 1
d. 4
The cooliung time of the earth, T = (commulative energy output)/diffusive heat flow rate), amounts to....
a. ~ one billion years
b. ~ four billion years
c. ~ ten billion years
d.~ one hundred billion years
The solar energy incident on the earth during one day is equivalent to how many years of global
primary energy production?
a. 1 year
b. 10 years
c. 30 years
d. 100 years
Assuming opacity, index of refraction, and spectral radiance to be independent of wavelength and temperature, "radiative" thermal conductivity turns out to scale with....
a. T^-3
b. T^-1
c. T^3
d. T^4
Rock thermal conductivity varies with temperature approximately......
a. linearly
b. inversely
c. quadratically
d. with the fourth power
Heat Radiation.....
a. becomes relevant for heat transport in rocks above temperatures of approximately 1000°C
– 1500 °C
b. can be aproximated by Fourier law comprising a "radiative thermal conductivity"
c. is irrelevant for optically intransparent rocks
d. is irrelevant for most of the Earth´s crust
Multi-component rock thermal conductivity is bounded from above an below by the.....
a. geometric and square root means, respectively
b. the Hashin-Shtrikman and effective medium means, respectively
c. the arithmetic and harmonic means, respectively
d. the Voigt-Reuss-Hill and geometric means, respectively
The advective specific heat flow is given by....
a. (pc)f "nabla" T*v
b. (pc)f "nabla" T*"nabla" v
c. (pc)f T*"nabla"v
d. (pc)f T*v
Thermal diffusivity of many rocks varies linearly with thermal conductivity within about......
a. +/- 2 %
b. +/- 5 %
c. +/- 10 %
d. +/- 20 %
Hydraulic permeability.......
a. depends on fluid and rock properties
b. depends only on fluid properties
c. depends only on rock properties
d. varies linearly with porosity
e. varies non-linearly with porosity
In the heat transport equation......
a. the diffusion term varies linearly with temperature
b. the advection term varies linearly with temperature
c. he diffusion term varies linearly with the temperature gradient
d. the advection term varies linearly with the temperature gradient
19. Darcy velocity (i.e. specific discharge) equals transport velocity.......
a. times kinematic viscosity
b. times porosity
c. over kinematic viscosity
d. over porosity
On average, the variation with porosity of the ratio of dry and saturated thermal conductivity is
best described by the.......
a. harmonic mean
b. Hashin-Strikman mean
c. geometric mean
d. square root mean
Hydraulically driven thermal anomalies under uneven topography are......
a. often characterized by 2D-Peclet numbers between 1 and 10
b. often characterized by 2D-Peclet numbers 0.1 and 1
c. purely conductivity
d. purely advective
The Péclet number......
a. equals the Nusselt number -1
b. the ratio with advection and conduction
c. is the ratio of heat condution and advection
d. is a measure for turbulence
Dynamic viscosity of water......
a. decreases by about 50 % between 300 K and 350 K
b. increases by about 50 % between 300 K and 350 K
c. decreases by about 5 % between 300 K and 350 K
d. increases by about 5 % between 300 K and 350 K
Which of the following are steady-state methods for measuring thermal conductivity?
a. Optical scanning
b. divided bar
c. Needle probe
d. Half-space line source
Which of the following are comparative methods for measuring thermal conductivity?
a. Optical scanning
b. divided bar
c. Needle probe
d. Half-space line source
Fiber optic borehole thermometers are accurate and precise to within.......
a. ± 1K and ±0.1 K, respectively
b. ± 0.1 K and ±0.01 K
c. ± 0.01 K and ±0.001 K
d. ± 0.001 K and ±0.0001 K
Fiber optic temperature sensing is based on.....
a. elastic scattering of protons
b. inelastic scattering of photons
c. the temperature dependence of the Stokes signal of Raman scattering
d. the temperature dependence of the Anti-Stokes signal of Raman scattering
Calibrated electrical resistance borehole thermometers are accurate and precise to within.....
a. ± 1K and ±0.1 K, respectively
b. ± 0.1K and ±0.01 K, respectively
c. ± 0.01K and ±0.001 K, respectively
d. ± 0.001K and ±0.0001 K, respectively
In a borehole filled with water, a twice steel reinforced seven-conductor cable is stretched under
it´s own weight per kilometer of cable by about
a. 7 mm
b. 7 cm
c. 7 dm
d. 7 m
Which method allows estimating the temperature disturbance in boreholes as a function of post
circulation shut-in time?
a. Birch approximation
b. Jefferys half-space
c. Horner-Plot
d. Bullard´s infinite cylindrical source
An annual harmonic surface temperature variation has a skin depth of approximately?
a. 1 m
b. 3 m
c. 10 m
d. 30 m
A constant surface temperature increase of 10 mK per Year can be seen in a temperature profile
recorded after one hundred years down to approximately
a. 20 m – 30 m
b. 50 m – 60 m
c. 100 m – 120 m
d. 150 m – 170 m
At distances of one time the horizontal length of a topographic ramp, left and right of this ramp,
the maximum topographic perturbation to specific heat flow is less than....
a. +/- 2 %
b. +/- 5%
c. +/- 12%
d. +/- 20 %
How many times the perturbation time is required approximately for a borehole to equilibrate to
about 10 Percent of the maximum perturbation?
a. 1-3 times
b. 6-8 times
c. 12-15 times
d. 24-27 times
Free convection in boreholes....
a. does not occur
b. causes Temperature variations on the order of tens of mK
c. varies linearly with borehole radius r
d. can be identified by temperature logging
e. varies with r-^-4
Which method enables the correction of drilling and mud circulation on bottom-hole
a. Bullard´s infinite cylindrical source
b. Jefferys half-space
c. Horner plot
d. Birch approximation
Climate is expressed, as a rule, by surface variables such as...
a. temperature alone
b. temperature and wind
c. precipitation, temperature, and wind
d. solar irradiation, precipitation, and wind
The Bullard plot is used to determine the....
a. skin depth of a climatic signal
b. average specific heat flow
c. the temperature perturbation time after borehole shut in
d. the appropriate mixing law for thermal conductivity of a multi-phase solid
Digital low-pass filtering of a temperature profile is obtained by.....
a. back transforming the product of the Fourier-transformed low-pass and temperature
profile into the space domain
b. deconvolving the product of low-pass and temperature profile
c. multiplying the Fourier-transforms of low-pass and temperature profile
d. dividing the Fourier-transforms of low-pass and temperature profile
Which (unless stated differently: steady-state) effects may introduce curvature in crustal temperature profiles?
a. variation of thermal conductivity with depth
b. variation of density with depth
c. vertical heat advection
d. downward diffusion of transient surface temperature variations
Harmonic variations of the Earth´s surface temperature of daily and annual periods penetrate to....
a depth of approximately several
a. millimeters and decimeters, respectively
b. centimeters and meters, respectively
c. decimeters and dekameters, respectively
d. meters and kilometers, respectively
The Maximum cooling due to the last glaciation (~ 10000 yrs ago) has diffused to a depth of about?
a. 120 m
b. 620 m
c. 1200 m
d. 2400 m
e. 4800 m
Non-unique problems can be solved by?
a. oversizing
b. standardizing
c. regularizing
d. non- dimensionalizing
Problems lacking a solution may be still solved?
a. in a least squares sense
b. in a worst case scenario
c. in a best case scenario
d. by the method of steepest descent
e. by the method of moving asymptotes
Inversion of past ground temperature variations from borehole temperatures is a problem which
a. well-posed
b. ill-posed
c. under-determined
d. over-determined
e. both under. And over-determined
Resources comprise...
a. undiscovered and identified resources
b. economic and sub-economic resources
c. other occurrences
d. unconventional and low-grade occurrences
Reserves are?
a. sub-economic resources
b. identified and undiscovered resources
c. identified resources
d. undiscovered resources
Global geothermal reserves amount to approximately.....
a. 5 EJ
b. 50 EJ
c. 500 EJ
d. 5 000 EJ
e. 50 000 EJ
By the end of 2014, the global annual production of direct use geothermal heat amounted to about?
a. 590 TJ
b. 590 PJ
c. 590 EJ
d. 590 ZJ
By which factor does the global heat flow exceed the annual German consumption of primary energy?
a. 100
b. 1 000
c. 10 000
d. 100 000
The coefficient of performance (COP) of ground-source heat pumps is the ratio of...
a. heat input and electrical energy output
b. thermal output power and heat pump input power (@ optimal operating conditions)
c. thermal output power and heat pump input power (@ maximum thermodynamic
d. heat output and heat output
The efficiency ᶯ of ground-source heat pumps is the ratio of....
a. heat output and heat input
b. thermal output power and heat pump input power (@ maximum thermodynamic
c. thermal output power and heat pump input power (@ optimal operating conditions)
d. heat input and electrical output energy
The heating efficiency ᶯ of a ground-source heat pump (exergy factor: 0.5) for a temperature lift
of ΔT=30 k is?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
The Fourier number Fo is the ratio of....
a. heat conduction and heat storage
b. heat storage and heat production
c. heat conduction and heat production
d. heat production and heat diffusion
The specific power of heat exchanger piles is?
a. 2 W/m – 7.5 W/m
b. 20 W/m – 75 W/m
c. 2 kW/m – 7.5 kW/m
d. 20 kW/m – 75 kW/m
The specific power of deep borehole heat exchange is approximately?
a. 10 W/m to20 W/m
b. 20 W/m to55 W/m
c. 65 W/m to 95 W/m
d. 20 kW/m to 55 kW/m
Deep borehole heat exchangers may be economical compared to gas turbines (for assumed lifetime of technical components) for annual operation times of at least?
a. 2000 h
b. 4000 h
c. 6000 h
d. 8000 h
With sustainable data and procedures, uncertainty in temperature explorations in reservoirs may be reduced by a factor of up to about?
a. 0,3
b. 3
c. 30
d. 300
How much kg of hot water (85°C to 150°C) do binary cycle plants require per kWhe?
a. 4
b. 40
c. 400
d. 4000
How much more steam do non-condensing cycle plants require than condensing cycle plants?
a. twice
b. three times
c. five times
d. ten times
How much kg of steam do condensing cycle plants require per kWhe?
a. 0.6-1.0
b. 6-10
c. 60-100
d. 600-1000
The global installed capacity of geothermal power by the year 2015 amounted to about?
a. 1,3 GW
b. 13 GW
c. 130 GW
d. 1,3 TW
Geothermal power has been produced since the year?
a. 1878
b. 1904
c. 1927
d. 1954
Hydraulic fractures nucleate if the stress regime is?
a. sub-critical
b. critical
c. super critical
In hydraulic fracturing, the number of induces seismic events depends on the....
a. level of natural seismic
b. injection period
c. maximum seismic magnitude in last decade
d. injection pressure
e. critical pressure
f. minimum reflection coefficient
g. number of natural cracks per rock volume
Successful Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) require minimum flow rates of?
a. 0.5 L/s – 1.0 L/s
b. 5 L/s – 10 L/s
c. 50 L/s – 100 L/s
d. 500 L/s – 1000 L/s
Commercially successful EGS require a minimum effective heat exchange surface of?
a. 50 m2 -100 m2
b. 500 m2 -1000 m2
c. 5 km2 -10 km2
d. 50 km2 -100 km2
What is he reason for the improved efficiency by 3 % to 10 % of Kalina vs. the ORC cycle?
a. higher operating temperature
b. lower evaporation temperature
c. higher operation pressure
d. variable evaporation temperature
What is the average efficiency ᶯ of ORC binary plants in the temperature range 85°C -170°C?
a. 6 % - 12 %
b. 15 % - 30 %
c. 35 % - 50 %
d. 55 % - 70 %
Specific turnkey power plant investment and duration for the development of a (wet or dry) steam field and the power plant installation are?
a. ~ 1 million Euro per MW & 3 years
b. ~ 5 million Euro per MW & 6 years
c. ~ 10 million Euro per MW & 15 years
Typical investment cost per kW installed capacity for ORC or Kalina systems varies between?
a. 500 € - 1000 €
b. 1000 € - 1600 €
c. 1600 € - 3200 €
d. 3200 € - 6400 €
Maximum emission of CO2 from continental geothermal power stations is about?
a. 4 (g/kWh)
b. 40 (g/kWh)
c. 400 (g/kWh)
d. 4 (kg/kWh)
Which physical law provides the basis for the expansion method for determining porosity?
a. Boyle-Mariotte (pV gleich constant)
b. Hagen-Poiseuille
c. Stefan-Boltzmann
d. Gay-Lussac
Typical specific power in W/m of shallow borehole heat exchange is?
a. 1-10
b. 80-95
c. 40-55
d. 60-75
Which mixing law is appropriate for calculating the effective specific capacity of a water rock system?
a. geometric mean
b. arithmetic mean
c. harmonic mean
Which parameter controls the steady-state conducive heat transport (without heat production)?
a. thermal diffusivity
b. thermal conductivity
c. specific heat capacity
Specific discharge (or Darcy velocity)..?
a. is homologous to specific heat flow
b. follows a Fourier law
c. is homologous to electric current
Which single parameter controls the transient conductive heat transport (without heat production)?
a. thermal diffusivity
b. specific heat capacity
c. thermal conductivity
Which elements contribute to radiogenic heat generation in rocks?
a. Uranium
b. Thorium
c. Potassium
d. Calcium