Erstellt von christineaukusitino
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Define Triple Bottom Line and an example
Underlying principles for rating the asset the service provides?
Mixed Economy? Provide 1 example for each of the following:
1) Government/Public
2) Commercial/Private
3) Third Sector/Non for profit
Give an example of hierarchy or significance of venues for:
1) Local
2) Regional
3) National
Define the facility ownership and governance types and the advantages and disadvantages including examples of the following:
Limited partnerships, corporations, public ownership and non profit
Give the 4 main types of venue governance arrangements
Define servicescape
Define 'moments of truth' and provide an example
Give examples and define 4 types of venue typology
Define cost effectiveness
Identify the considerations for life-cycle costing
Define technical feasibility
Detail the process of the technical feasibility
Detail the guiding set of principles for design by Councils
Define white elephants syndrome and give an example:
Detail the main legislation and policy requirements in design for venues
Detail the key elements of environmental planning and entertainment venues
What are the design principles of a sporting venue?
Detail the key design principles
Detail the four dimensions of access
What does AS428.1 detail about equality of experience?
What does AS1428.2 detail about equality of experience?
Give an example of equality of experience at a venue and their outcomes for creating the equality means
Define sustainability
What is green star?
What are the key potential areas of impact on sustainability?
Ways to reduce the impact?
Detail about a case study relating to sustainability and corporate vision
What standards have been established as a result of an increasing focus on managing environmental impacts from venues and events?
What are the continuums of the experience economy?
What are the realms of the experience economy?
What is a total asset management plan?
Detail the 5 key design features for the QCUA
Outline why it would be beneficial for Athens 2004 Olympics to outsource event cleaning rather than building the infrastructure?
What are the main factors of a risk management plan?
What are the community development reasons for the state intervening in managing sports facilities and events?
What are the economic reasons for the state intervening in managing sports facilities and events?
What are the destination development reasons for the state intervening in managing sports facilities and events?
What are the social-cultural development reasons for the state intervening in managing sports facilities and events?
What are the most notable points of the act relating to the Jessica Michalik case