Erstellt von Emma Lloyd
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
Biological definitions of ecology?
What does ecology derive from historically?
Important historical figures in ecology?
More historical figures in ecology?
Yet more historical figures in ecology?
What is adaptation?
What is the basis of adaptation?
What is an ecotype?
What factors are known to affect adaptations?
What is a population?
Ecological niche definition:
What is a fundamental niche?
What is a realised niche?
Best way to remember the difference between a habitat and a niche?
How to work out population density?
What is natality?
Difference between immigration and emigration?
What are life tables?
What is intraspecific competition?
What is interspecific competition?
What is the competitive exclusion principle?
Summary of competing species?
What is environmental heterogeneity?
What are r-selected species?
What are k-selected species?
What are unpredictable gaps?
What are ephemeral patches?
What is aggregated distribution?
What are true predators?
What are grazers?
What are parasites?
What are parasitoids?
What is an ecological community?
How can communities be physically identified?
How can communities be identified taxonomically?
How can a community be identified statistically?
How can communities be identified interactively?
What are sharp boundaries on community edges of ecological communities?
What are diffuse boundaries in the same respect?
What are mosaic boundaries?
What is a guild?
What is a taxocene?
What is a trophic level?
What is a food chain/web
What is diversity?
What is species richness?
What is species evenness?
What is heterogeneity?
What is the Simpson's Diversity Index?
What is the Shannon Index or Shannon-Weaver index of Diversity?
What is history as a casual factor of diversity, richness and heterogeneity
What is habitat heterogeneity?
What is predation?
What is climate and climatic variability?
What is productivity?
What is diversity in terms of diversity, richness and heterogeneity?
What is succession?
What is primary succession?
What is secondary succession?
What is degradative succession?
What is autogenic succession?
What is allogenic succession?
What is monoclimax?
What is polyclimax?
What is the climax pattern hypothesis?
Why is climax of succession rare?