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Victoria Pickles
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Mind Map on Blake Poetry- Innocence, created by Victoria Pickles on 19/04/2018.

Victoria Pickles
Erstellt von Victoria Pickles vor mehr als 6 Jahre
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Blake Poetry- InnocenceThe LambLamb- biblical'unblemished lamb',Jesus, sacrificeAABBCC, nursery rhyme,repitition of 1st and lastcouplet 'Little Lamb whomade thee?''Little Lamb'- soft vowelsound, song/ child likeLamb- innocence= softest,bright, tender, littleNurse's SongNurse is the Guardian andgives them freedomABCB, last stanza changes topast tense 'laughed'Lost innocence 'heard ofthe green' to 'the lightfades away''hills echoed'- experience,grown up,Internal rhyme until last stanza 'sky'and 'fly' but 'shouted' and 'laughed'IntroductionPastoral- lamb, cloud,valleys, reed, rural, water'Plucked a hollow reed'-unnatural, destroyingnature''stained the water clear'-destroying purity ofchildren and his visionThe Little Girl LostAABB, rhyming couplets,regular rhythm (underminesthe danger of situation)world tamed by God/biblical expressionFemale Sexuality- 'moonrises' (cycle), 'virgin', 'sweetsleep' (sexual awakening)Against taming ofoppression sexual desiresworld slumbered, awake toreturn to Garden of Eden 'earthfrom sleep'Little Girl FoundLycas' parents feelings-'weep','tired and woe-begone', 'weak','famished' 'trembling''seven summers old'- since birth or pubertyBiblical imagery- 'deserts weep'=Moses in the desert, 'sevendays'= God creating worldBlake= danger is people'sperceptions of realityLion= 'bore them to theground' but 'licks their hands'The ShepardInnocence- 'sweet' x2, 'innocentcall', 'ewe's tender reply', 'peace'Bible/ Christian teaching,Shepherds receives praisefrom his sheep- but not in thepoem'He shall follow is sheep all day'-opposite to biblical shepherdDoesn't force the sheep tofollow him, Anti-organisedreligionInfant Joynew born child- 'two days old'and 'I have no name''What shall I call thee?'-Biblical conotations forMoses 'what is thy name?'Romantics believed babiesretained memories of GodChristians believed babies cameinto the world contaminised,need to be BaptisedThe School BoyPastoral- 'summer morn','birds sing', 'every tree','skylark', 'blossom'stanza 3 dreary shower' contrastsstanza 1 'summer morn'Blake= no formaleducation, learnthrough play'tender plants are stripped oftheir joy'- Metaphor, can't growThe Little Black BoyABAB, Iambic pentameter-Marxist think its Capitalist,doing same as everyone elseguardianship- 'my mother boreme' and 'my mother taught me'Themes- God, light, Pastoral,GuardianshipWhite people power- 'white as anangel', 'white cloud free', 'I'll shadehim from the heat'slavery- 'sun-burnt face','learned the heat to bear'William WilberforceMessages- his life made him strong, work hard for God'slove, passive acceptance, both ended up in the sameplace, religion is racist, too focused on the afterlifeThe Echoing Green3 stanzas, AABBCCDD,child narrator, couplets,enjambmenthappiness- 'happy', 'merry','sing', 'cheerful', 'laugh'religion- 'merry bells ring','on the darkening green'- playtomorrow, innocence ended,children sleep so nature doesnature images- birds, echo, sunHoly ThursdayMaundy Thursday- children incharity schools sing in church3 stanzas, 4 lines, like a hymn structuremultitude repetition-'hum of multitudes','multitudes of lambspower in numbers'Beneath them sit aged men'- Blakeputs children above the guardiansThe Chimney-SweeperDark imagery- 'soot','night', 'coffins', 'dark''go and play'- learns from thechildren, children have a voice,Symbionic relationship (learnfrom each otherLight imagery- 'lamb','angel', 'bright key', 'shinein the sun', 'white', 'God'Narration is a sweeper,dramatic monologueLast stanza halfrhyme- 'warm', 'harm'(reality not perfect)Harsh contrast betweenreality and dreamsA Cradle Song'sweet' and 'sleep' repeatedMary andJesusSibilance 'ss', nursery rhyme'Heavenly places that smileson thee!'- see God in baby, ifhe suffers it doesn't matterDoppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen