What mountain range has the tallest mountains in Europe?
Mount Vesuvius is the volcano that destroyed Pompeii
Check the agricultural products that were harvested in Rome
Early Roman history was a mystery, so leaders told legends about great heroes and kings who built the city to make Romans proud of their past
What did Aeneas represent? (choose 3)
respect for family
respect for kings
respect for gods
roman values
greek values
The Aeneid was written by Virgil in 25 BC
What was Aeneas? (Choose
formed alliances with the Etruscans
Trojan hero who escaped after the Greeks destroyed Troy
Married the daughter of the Latin King
Ancestor of Romulus and Remus
His descendants abandoned Rome
Choose the correct facts of the story of Romulus and Remus
they were twin brothers that were thrown into the Tibet River while in a basket
A shepherd found them by the river and rescued them
Remus killed Romulus because Romulus mocked Remus' ideas but then named Rome after his brother due to guilt
The city was built where the wolves had rescued the twins
When did Romulus become king? (plus or minus 50 yrs)
753 BC
800 BC
735 BC
798 BC
How many kings did Rome have?
The last 4 Roman kings were Etruscans (ppl north of rome)
What contributions did the Etruscans make to Roman civilization?
taught romans their religion
farming techniques
invention of aqueducts
sewage system
alphabet + numbers
What caused the rebellion in 509 BC that made Rome into a republic?
The last king killed a lot of people like his own advisers
The peasants were upset at their treatment in public forums
The taxes were too high
The last king spent the city's public money for his own pleasure
Elected officials held most of the power in the Roman republic; others had little to no say in the running of the government
Roman officials can only stay in power for 1 yr
How long was Rome at war with others after it became a republic?
30 yrs
45 yrs
50 yrs
75 yrs
How long did dictators get to stay in power?
3 months
1 yr
1 month
6 months
Cincinnatus gained power in 458 BC
What was true about plebeians?
They were the people that don't have deep family backgrounds
All of them were poor
They wanted more say in the government
They wanted the government to stay the same
Which of these are plebeians?
Government Officials
In 494 BC, Plebeians decided to form their own council and elected their own officials. What did this lead to?
A civil war
Patricians changed their government to include plebeians
All members of that council was assassinated
Plebeians overthrew the Roman republic and established democracy