Erstellt von Jennifer Huber
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
Fraction of total body weight that is water
2/3 of water weight is located where?
1/3 of water weight is located where?
MCC of volume overload
0.9% Normal Saline is composed of:
3% Normal Saline components
Lactated Ringers Composition
Equation for plasma osmolarity
& normal range
Maintenance Fluids
Which fluid to chose during OR time and first 24hours after
Which Fluid to switch to after 24hours of initial fluid post-op?
Fluid Losses in open abdominal operations
Best indicator for adequate fluid replacement
Rate for adequate U/O
insensible fluid losses
Fluid of choice to resuscitate Sweat Loss
(Marathon Runner)
Fluid of Choice for Patients with Gastric Fluid Loss (gastric outlet obstruction)
Fluid of Choice for pancreas, biliary, or small bowel fluid loss
Fluid of choice for massive diarrhea
Ratio for GI fluid loss replacement
Fluid Secretion of Stomach
Fluid Secretion of Biliary System
Fluid Secretion of Pancreas
Fluid Secretion of Duodenum
Electrolyte losses in sweat
Electrolyte losses in saliva
electrolyte losses from stomach
Electrolyte losses from pancreas
Electrolyte losses from Bile
Electrolyte losses from small intestine
Electrolyte losses from Large Intestine
Normal Body K+ requirement
Normal Body Na Requirement
HyperK treatment
cause of pseudo-hyperK
First Line treatment for hypoNa
What can cause pseudohypoNa?
What is Diabetes Insipidus
Treatment for Diabetes Insipidus
What is SIADH?
Treatment of Acute SIADH
Treatment of Chronic SIADH
Symptoms of Hypercalcemia
MC malignant cause of hypercalcemia
MCC and MC benign cause of hypercalcemia
MCC of hypercalcemic crisis
Treatment for hypercalcemia
Fluids NOT to give to a hypercalcemic patient
Symptoms of Hypocalcemia
Protein Adjustment for Calcium
MCC for hypocalcemia
Symptoms of hypermagnesemia
Treatment of Hypermagnesemia
Hypomagnesemia Signs
Causes of Hypomagnesemia
Treatment of Hyperphosphatemia
What is hypophosphatemia associated with?
Treatment for Hypophosphatemia
How to measure Anion Gap?
High Anion Gap Acidosis
Causes of Normal AG Metabolic Acidosis
Treatment of Metabolic Acidosis
How Nasogastric Suction affects electrolytes
Respiratory Acidosis
pH, CO2, HCO3
Respiratory Alkalosis
pH, CO2, HCO3
Metabolic Acidosis
pH, CO2, HCO3
Metabolic Alkalosis
pH, CO2, HCO3
Length of time for respiratory compensation for acidosis/alkalosis
Length of time for renal compensation
for acidosis/alkalosis
Best test for azotemia
How to Calculate FeNa
How much damage does the kidney require before BUN and Cr increase?
How Myoglobin affects the Kidneys
Effects if Tumor Lysis Syndrome
Risk Factors for developing tumor lysis syndrome
Treatment for Tumor Lysis Syndrome
Vitamin D, areas it becomes active form
What does active form of Vitamin D do?
What is Transferrin?
What is Ferritin