Erstellt von Jennifer Huber
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
Most important recipient/donor matching human leukocyte antigens
Universal Donor Blood Type
Universal Recipient Blood Type
Panel Reactive Antibody
Management for mild rejection
management of severe rejection
#1 malignancy following any transplant
Post-transplant lympho-proliferative disorder
& treatment
Rituximab MoA
Risks associated with long term immunosuppression
side effects
Steroids with transplants
When to use it
side effects
Trough to keep cyclosporin at
How is Cyclosporin Metabolized and Excreted?
Side effects
Patient Population
Target Trough for FK-506
How is Sirolimus different from CYclosporin and Tacrolimus?
Side effect of Sirolimus
Anti-thymocyte Glubulin
MoA and when to use it
Side Effects of Anti-thymocyte globulin
What is Hyperacute Rejection?
MCC of hyperacute rejection
Treatment for Hyperacute Rejection
What is Accelerated Rejection?
Treatment for Accelerated Rejection
What is acute rejection?
Treatment of acute rejection
What is chronic rejection?
MCC of chronic rejection
Treatment of chronic rejection
How long can a kidney be stored?
Testing required because kidney transplant
MCC of mortality s/p kidney transplant
MC complication after kidney transplant
and its treatment
Complication after kidney transplant: RAS
how to diagnose and treat
MCC of external ureter compression s/p kidney transplant
Postop Oliguria s/p Kidney transplant
main cause and pathology
Time frame in which lymphoceles present themselves after kidney transplant
Treatment of lymphoceles
Cause of post renal transplant diuresis
s/p renal transplant, new proteinuria suggests:
Possible cause of post renal transplant diabetes
Treatment for CMV s/p transplant
Treatment for HSV s/p transplant
Pathology in acute rejection s/p kidney transplant
Kidney Rejection Workup
5-year kidney transplant survival
cadaveric vs living donors
MC complication in living kidney donors
MC cause of death in living kidney donors
How long can a liver be stored for?
Contraindications for liver transplant
MCC liver transplant in adults
MELD Score
Criteria for urgent transplant
When can you do a liver transplant in someone with hepatocellular carcinoma?
Liver Transplantation
Liver transplant anastomosis in adults
vs kids
Drains place s/p Liver TXP
MC arterial anomaly associated with liver transplants
#1 Complication associated with Liver Transplants
and treatment
What is primary nonfunction after liver transplant?
What to do in a patient who develops hepatic artery stenosis s/p Liver TXP
Early hepatic artery thrombosis
what happens?
Treatment for early hepatic artery thrombosis s/p liver TXP
Late Hepatic Artery Thrombosis s/p Liver Transplant
Effects of IVC Stenosis/Thrombosis s/p Liver Transplant
& treatment
Sxs associated with Portal Vein Thrombosis s/p Liver TXP
Treatment for portal vein thrombosis s/p liver TXP
Pathology associated with Acute Rejection w/ Liver Transplant
What do you see in liver transplant chronic rejection?
Retransplantation rate s/p liver transplant
5 year survival rate s/p liver transplant
Which lobe to take in a living donor for adult liver transplant
Which lobe to take in an living donor for child liver TXP
MC indication for pancreas transplant
what vessels do you need for pancreas transplant?
Where do you attach vessels during a pancreas transplant?
part of bowel to take from donor during pancreas transplant
What results point towards a successful pancreas/kidney transplant?
MC complication s/p pancreas transplant
How long can you store a heart?
What testing do you need prior to a heart transplant?
Treatment for persistent pulmonary HTN s/p heart TXP
Pathology of acute rejection associated with heart transplant
MCC of early mortality associated with heart transplant
MCC of late death and death overall following heart TXP
How long can you store Lungs?
Life expectancy before Heart or Lung Transplant
#1 cause for early mortality s/p lung transplant
indication for double lung TXP
Exclusion criteria for using lungs
Pathology of acute rejection s/p lung transplant
MCC of late death and death overall following lung transplant
Median survival s/p lung transplant
Viral Opportunitistic Infections s/p transplants
Opportunistic Protozoan Infections s/p transplantation
Opportunistic Fungal Infections s/p transplants
Hierarchy for Permission for Organ Donation from Next of Kin