Erstellt von Jennifer Huber
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
Normal Values for Cardiac Index
Normal Values for Cardiac Output
Normal Values for CVP or Rt Atrial Pressure
Normal Values for Pulmonary Artery Pressure
Equation to calculate MAP
Equation for Cardiac Index
4 determinants for cardiac performance
Equation for Stroke Volume
Equation for Ejection Fraction
End-Diastolic Volume
End Systolic Volume
Atrial Kick
Anrep Effect
Bowditch Effect
Arterial O2 Content Equation
Oxygen delivery equation
Oxygen Consumption Equation (VO2)
Normal Oxygen Delivery to consumption ratio
Causes of Right Shift (O2 unloading)
Causes of increase oxygen saturation in venous blood
Causes of decreased venous oxygen saturation
What factors can affect wedge pressure?
Where should a Swan-Ganz
Catheter be placed?
What to do if you develop hemoptysis after flushing a Swan Ganz catheter?
Absolute contraindications for swan ganz catheter placement
relative contraindication for placing a swan-ganz catheter
Swan Ganz Catheter distances to wedge
When should wedge pressure be measured?
What are the 2 primary determinants of myocardial oxygen consumption?
Normal range of Alveolar-arterial gradient
Blood with the lowest venous saturation
Blood with the highest venous saturation
Basic definition of shock
MCC of adrenal insufficiency
Acute Adrenal Insufficiency
Treatment for adrenal insufficiency
Steroid Potency
Steroid Potency
Steroid potency
Neurogenic Shock
& treatment
Treatment for Cardiogenic Shock
Beck Triad
First sign of cardiac tamponade
Treatment of Cardiac Tamponade
Early Sepsis Triad
Early Gram Negative Sepsis
Late Gram Negative Sepsis
Neurohormonal Response to hypovolemia
Fat emboli
pulmonary emboli
Where PEs usually arise from
Air Emboli, what to do
How Intra-aortic balloon pump works
When to use IABP?
Where to place an IABP catheter tip
absolute contraindications for IABP
relative contraindications for IABP
alpha-1 receptors
alpha-2 receptors
beta-1 receptors
beta-2 receptors
dopamine receptors
Dopamine 2-5mcg/kg/min affects what
Dopamine 6-10mcg/kg/min affects what
Dopamine >10mcg/kg/min affects what
Dobutamine starts at what rate?
what does it affect?
Phenylephrine, intial dose and effects
Norepinephrine, starting dose and effects
initial dose
effects of low dose vs high dose
initial dose and effects
side effects of isoproterenol
V-1 receptors
V-2 receptors (intrarenal)
V-2 Receptors (extrarenal)
Treatment for cyanide toxicity
Equation for pulmonary compliance
diseases in which pulmonary compliance is decreased
How aging affects lung function
V/Q ratio
With ventilation, how do you improve oxygenation?
On ventilator, how do you decrease CO2/improve ventilation?
Normal Weaning Parameters
Pressure support
Excessive PEEP complications
Total Lung Capacity
Forced Vital Capacity
Residual Volume
Tidal Volume
Functional Residual Capacity
Expiratory reserve volume
Inspiratory Capacity
Minute ventilation
Restrictive Lung Disease effects on TLC, RV, FVC, FEV
Obstructive Lung Disease effects on TLC, RV, FEV1 and FVC
MCC of increased dead space
Other causes of increased dead space
What is a shunt? What causes it?
What is ARDS?
ARDS Criteria
Mendelson's Syndrome
MCC of hypoxia early post-op
Tx for atelectasis
How do patients develop fevers secondary to ateletasis?
Factors causing pulmonary vasodilation
Causes for pulmonary vasoconstriction
MCC of poor urine output post-op
MCC of post-operative renal failure
% of nephrons that need to be damaged to cause renal dysfunction
Best test to determine azotemia
Equation for FeNa
Prerenal RF Urine Osm, BUN:Cr, UNa, FeNa
Parenchymal RF Urine Osm, BUN:Cr, UNa, FeNa
Treatment for Oliguria
MCC of renal ATN
Causes of Post-renal Oliguria
Indications for Dialysis
How much does Hct increase per liter taken off during dialysis?
Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration (CVVH)
When is Renin Released?
Effects of Renin
Effects of AngII
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide
what part of the kidney controls GFR?
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
Renal Toxic Drugs
How NSAIDs affect Kidneys
Aminoglycosides effects on kidneys
Mediators of SIRS
Causes of SIRS
Most important stimulus for SIRS
SIRS Criteria
Multisystem Organ Dysfunction
What must exist for 6-12 hours before someone is considered brain dead?
Results of EEG and MRA in brain dead person
Apnea test and brain death
Affinity to Hb, O2 vs CO
Abnormal levels of carboxyHb in smokers vs nonsmokers
Tx for methemoglobinemia
cyanide toxicity
treatment for cyanide toxicity
critical illness polyneuropathy
xanthine oxidase
ICU psychosis
MCC of delayed discharge after cardiac surgery