Erstellt von Julian Rottenberg
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
1. Process Model
1. Process Model
2. Thread Model
(Use threads instead of processes)
2. Thread Model
(Use threads instead of processes)
2. Thread Model
2. Thread Model
3. In-kernel Model
3. In-kernel Model
(One option)
3. In-kernel Model
(Most often)
3. In-kernel Model
3. In-kernel Model
3. In-kernel Model
4. Event-driven Model
4. Event-driven Model
4. Event-driven Model
4. Event-driven Model
Performance Comparison
Web Server Cluster
(Two ways of increasing capacity)
Web Server Clusters
(Latter approach currently dominating)
Web Server Clusters
(Typical architecture)
Web Server Clusters
FTP: The File Transfer Protocol
FTP: Separate Control & Data Connections
FTP Commands, Responses
(Sample commands)
FTP Commands, Responses
(Sample return codes)
Electronic Mail
(Three major components)
Electronic Mail
(User Agent)
Electronic Mail
Electronic Mail: Mail Servers
Electronic Mail: Mail Servers
(Message queue)
Electronic Mail: Mail Servers
(SMTP protocol)
Electronic Mail: Mail Servers
Electronic Mail: SMTP [RFC 2821]
Scenario: Alice Sends Message to Bob
Sample SMTP interaction
Try SMTP Interaction for Yourself
SMTP: Final Words
Mail Message Format
Message Format: Multimedia Extensions
Mail Access Protocols
Mail Access Protocols
(Mail access protocol)
Mail Access Protocol
POP3 Protocol
(More about POP3)
DNS: Domain Name System
DNS: Domain Name System
(Internet hosts, routers)
DNS: Domain Name System
(Domain Name System)
(Distributed database)
DNS: Domain Name System
(Domain Name System)
(Application-layer protocol)
(DNS services)
(Why not centralize DNS?)
Distributed, Hierarchical Database
DNS: Root Name Servers
DNS: Root Name Servers
(Root name server)
TLD, Authoritative and Local DNS Servers
(Top-level domain (TLD) servers)
TLD, Authoritative and Local DNS Server
(Authoritative DNS servers)
TLD, Authoritative and Local DNS Server
(Local DNS servers)
Iterative Queries: Example
Iterative Queries: Example
(Iterated query)
Recursive Queries: Example
Recursive Queries: Example
(Recursive query)
DNS: Caching and Updating Records
DNS Records
DNS Protocol, Messages
(DNS protocol)
DNS Protocol, Messages
(Bild - 1)
DNS Protocol, Messages
(Bild - 2)
Inserting Records Into DNS
P2P File Sharing
P2P: Centralized Directory
P2P: Centralized Directory
P2P: Problems With Centralized Directory
Query Flooding: Gnutella
(General Properties)
Query Flooding: Gnutella
(Overlay network: graph)
Gnutella: Protocol
Gnutella: Peer Joing
Socket Programming
Socket Programming
(Socket API)
Socket Programming
Socket-Programming Using TCP
Socket-Programming Using TCP
(TCP service)
Socket-Programming Using TCP
Socket Programming With TCP
(Client must contact server)
Socket Programming With TCP
(Client contacts server by)
Socket Programming With TCP
Socket Programming With TCP
(application viewpoint)
Stream Jargon
Stream Jargon
(Input Stream)
Stream Jargon
(Output Stream)
Socket Programming With TCP
(Example Client-Server application)
Socket Programming With TCP
Client/Server Socket Interaction: TCP
Example: Java Client (TCP)
Example: Java Client (TCP)
Example: Java Server (TCP)
Example: Java Server (TCP)
Socket Programming With UDP
Socket Programming With UDP
(Application viewpoint)
Client/Server Socket Interaction: UDP
Example: Java Client (UDP)
Example: Java Client (UDP)
Example: Java Client (UDP)
Example: Java Sender (UDP)
Example: Java Server (UDP)
Building a Simple Web Server
Chapter 1: Summary
Chapter 1: Summary
Appendix: Socket Programming with C
Example: C Client (TCP)
Example: C Client (TCP)
Example: C Client (TCP)
Example: C Server (TCP)
Example: C Client (UDP)
Example: C Client (UDP)
Example: C Server (UDP)
Example: C Server (UDP)
What is a Threat in a Communication Network
(Abstract Definition)
What is a Threat in a Communication Network?
What is a Threat in a Communication Network?
(What are security goals)
Security goals depending on the application environment 1
Security goals depending on the application environment 1
(Electronic trading)
Security goals depending on the application environment 1
Security goals depending on the application environment 2
(Public Telecommunication Providers)
Security goals depending on the application environment 2
(Corporate / Private Networks)
Security goals depending on the application environment 2
(All Networks)
Security goal depending on the application environment
Security Goals Technically Defined
Security Goals Technically Defined
(Data Integrity)
Security Goals Technically Defined
Security Goals Technically Defined
(Controlled Access)
Threats Technically Defined
Threats Technically Defined
Threats Technically Defined
(Authorization Violation)
Threats Technically Defined
(Loss or Modification of (transmitted) Information)
Threats Technically Defined
(Denial of Communication Acts (Repudiation))
Threats Technically Defined
(Forgery of Information)
Threats Technically Defined
Threats and Technical Security Goals
Security Analysis of Layered Protocol Architectures 1
Security Analysis of Layered Protocol Architectures 2
Attacking Communications on the Message Level
(Passive attacks)
Attacking Communications on the Message Level
(Active attacks)
Attacking Communications on the Message Level
(Successful launch of one of the above attacks requires)
Attacking Communications on the Message Level
Safeguards Against Information Security Threats 1
(Physical Security)
Safeguards Against Information Security Threats 1
(Personnel Security)
Safeguards Against Information Security Threats 1
(Administrative Security)
Safeguards Against Information Security Threats 1
(Emanations Security)
Safeguards Against Information Security Threats 2
(Media Security)
Safeguards Against Information Security Threats 2
(Lifecycle Controls)
Safeguards Against Information Security Threats 2
(Computer Security)
Safeguards Against Information Security Threats 2
(Communications Security)
Communications Security: Some Terminology
(Security Service)
Communications Security: Some Terminology
(Cryptographic Algorithm)
Communications Security: Some Terminology
(Cryptographic Protocol)
Security Services - Overview
Security Services - Overview
Security Services - Overview
Security Services - Overview
(Access Control)
Security Services - Overview
Cryptology - Definition and Terminology
Cryptology - Definition and Terminology
(Cryptology encompasses)
(Cryptography (graphein = to write))
Cryptology - Definition and Terminology
(Cryptology encompasses)
(Cryptoanalysis (analyein = to loosen, to untie))
Cryptology - Definition and Terminology
Cryptographic Algorithms
(Encryption of data)
Cryptographic Algorithms
(Signing of data)
Cryptographic Algorithms
Cryptographic Algorithms
(Symmetric cryptography)
Cryptographic Algorithms
(Asymmetric cryptography)
Cryptographic Algorithms
(Cryptographic hash functions)
Important Properties of Encryption Algorithms
Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Cryptography
(General idea)
Asymmetric Cryptography
Asymmetric Cryptography
Asymmetric Cryptography
Asymmetric Cryptography
(Practical considerations)
Detection of Message Modifications
Detection of Message Modifications
(Realization of modification check values)
(Cryptographic Hash Functions)
Detection of Message Modifications
(Realization of modification check values)
(Message Authentication Codes)
Cryptographic Protocols
Cryptographic Protocols
(Applications of cryptographic protocols)
Cryptographic Protocols
(Applications of cryptographic protocols)
(Data origin authentication)
Cryptographic Protocols
(Applications of cryptographic protocols)
(Entity authentication)
Security in Networks: What to do where?
Security in Networks: What to do where?
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
(End System)
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
(Application level)
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
(End system level)
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
(Subnetwork level)
A Pragmatic Model for Secured & Networked Computing
(Link level)
Relationships Between Layers & Requirements Levels
Relationships Between Layers & Requirements Levels
Security Problems of the Internet Protocol
(When an entity receives an IP packet, it has no assurance of)
(Data origin authentication/data integrity)
Security Problems of the Internet Protocol
(When an entity receives an IP packet, it has no assurance of)
Security Objectives of IPSec
(IPSec aims to ensure the following security objectives)
(Data origin authentication/connectionless data integrity)