Erstellt von Emily Pittinger
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
2. During which phase of event management are the commitment of resources established?
Gap Analysis
Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)
2. Which report shows the profit (or loss) for a meeting?
Business Continuity
How will your business operation during and after a crisis
2. What is the purpose of a program flow?
Phillips ROI Methodology
Event Management 5 Phases
Different Types of RFP's
5 Criteria for a Contract
Fundamental Contract Clauses
Elements protected by Risk Management
4 Steps of Risk Management
Legal Terms of Risk Assestment
Proprietary Security
2. What is the best method for selecting a speaker?
3. The document that provides an overview of the event for front-line or registration staff and key hosts is the:
Top Funding Sources for an Event
2. What is the aim of a promotion plan?
2. What is the main purpose of a SWOT analysis in a marketing plan?
Partner Sponsorship
5 Steps for Developing Budget
Break Even Equation
2. Website content, emails, printed materials, and giveaways are all examples of:
Acceleration Clause
Abstract Board
Actual Weight
As Valorem Tax
Affinity Group
Air Consignment Notes
2. During what phase of event management are goods and services contracted and coordinated?
All-Risk Insurance
Ambient Light
American Plan
Full American Plan
Inclusive Rate
2. Taking corrective action based on results of the review of critical path tasks should take place at the following times EXCEPT:
Asymmetric Bandwidth
Asynchronous Learning
ATA Carnet
Audience Reaction Team
Categories of Influencers
5 P's of Marketing
Marketing Plan Timeline
Proforma- Invoice
Temporary Import License
2. The communication hierarchy should include all of the following EXCEPT
ATA Carnet
Temporary Import Bond
Ex Gratia Payments
2. When managing the marketing plan, the ideal time to place a cover story in your association or corporate magazine is ____ prior to the event date.
Audio Terms
1. Equalizer
2. Sub-woofers
3. Delay, center and other fill type speaker
4. Monitor or fold
Screen Placement Guidelines
1. Ellipsoidal (Leko)
2. Par
3. Fresnel
AV Staff
1. Lead Technician or Engineer
2. Project Manager
3. Producer
4. Technical Director
5. Stage Manager
Presenter focused room sets
Partially Interactive Room Set
Highly Interactive room set
Chair Specs
1. Lecterns
2. Podium (Rostrum)
3. Dais
4. Decor
Function Space Requirements
Banquet Seating Space Requirements
English Breakfast
English Service
Beverage Calculations
1. French Service
2. Russian Service
Principles of Meeting Design
Types of Program Delivery
Phillips ROI Pyramid
Which of the Following is not a type of bar setup?
1. Russian
2. Comination
2. Cash
4. Open
What is the most significant disadvantage of using surveys for meeting evaluation purposes (select all that apply)
Low Response Rates
Surveys cannot collect hard data
Surveys cannot collect soft data
Biased Responses
Surveys cannot ask two-way questions
You are having a three course VIP dinner with wine for 80p with rounds of eight. How many servers will you need?
When determining the amount of space needed for an event, how much space is needed per person for comfortable
Which one of these F&B beverage services is most conductive to networking?
English Service
French Service
Russian Service
Buffet Service
What is one way to minimize risk to the organization when planning a high risk profile vent, etc. hot air ballooning or skydiving (select all that apply)
Waivers of Liability
Having a medical or safety personnel and equipment on-site
Using third-party suppliers
Have attendees signup for event insurance
This system of accounting counts income and expenses as they are actually received and paid:
cash based accounting system
dispersement system
accrual accounting system
expense based accounting system
What are the four basic stages or risk management?
1. Preparedness, response, recovery, mitigation
2. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
3. Accept risk, ignore risk, manage risk, or avoid risk
4. Indemnification, attrition, cancellation, force major
The most appropriate method for providing individual feedback to staff and volunteers is through coaching sessions or formal evaluations (select all that apply)
Coaching Session
Formal Evaluation
Team meetings/daily briefings
Group Training
Backline Equipment
Barn Door
Base Plate
Blind Commission
Blue Laws
Bonded Warehouse
Cabaret Set-Up
Carbon Neutral
Category Cable
Cherry Picker
Collection and consolidation
Compression/Decompression or Coder/Decoder
Confirmed Letter of Credit
Congress Center
1. Consignee
2. Cosignor
Consular Declaration
Consular Invoice
Contract Carrier
Countervailing Duty
Credentials committee
Delay Speakers
DMC Consortium
E-Poster System
Economic Multiplier
European Plan
Export Declaration
Fill-Type Speakers
Flash Box
1. Fly
2. Follow Spot
Four Categories Of Influencers
1. Foreign Sales Agent
2. Foreign Trade Zone
1. Forward Contract
2. Foul Bill of Lading
3. Freight on Board (FOB)
1. Fresnel
2. Fresnel Lens
3. Front-of-House (FOH) Audio Engineer
1. Gamification
2. Gate Show
3. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
1. General Assembly
1. Geofencing
2. Gooseneck Light
3. Greenwashing
1. Guest Programe
2. Hand Service
1. High Boy Dimensions
2. Honorarium
3. Horizontal Exhibition
1. House Count
2. Houseman
3. IATA#
1. Inclusive Rate
2. Indirect Spending
1. Induced Spending
2. Integrated Marketing
1. Internet Protocol (IP) Address
2. Interpretation in Relay
1. Jigging
2. Junction Box
3. Keystone Effect
1. Knock Down
2. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
1. Lenticular Screen
2. Lighting Control Console
1. Likert Scale
2. Line-Array Speaker System
3. Loop Fabric
4. Low-Key Lighting
1. Marketing Promotional Opportunities
2. Master
1. Microphone, Omnidirectional
2. Microphone, Unidirectional
3. Mix
1. Modular Exhibit
2. Modular Panels
3. Motion
1. Multi-Track Conference
1. Mylar
2. Near Field Communication
3. Net Monetary Benefits
1. Net Rate
2. Net Weight
3. Off-Line
1. On-Centre
2. One Ten/Sixty
3. One-Sheet
1. Open Space Technology Session
2. Optical Sound
1. Opt-In Marketing aka Permission marketing
2. Option Date
3. Order of Precedence
1. Out Take
2. Outbound Operator
3. Outbound Tour
1. Over-the-Road
2. Overnight Service
3. Override
1. Pacing
1. Paid Out
2. Panel Dolly
3. Par Lamp
1. Parabolic Screen
2. Parallax
3. Parcan
1. Pascal
2. Passenger Name Record
1. PechaKucha
2. Percent of the Gross
3. Percent of the Net
1. Percentage of Change Formula
2. Perk
3. Permanent Import
1. Permit Card
2. Pica
3. Pilaster
4. Pink Noise
1. Planting
2. Plug-In
3. Plus One
1. Point
2. Portal
1. Post-Consumer Material
1. Pressure Zone Microphone
2. Productivity Tickets
3. Proscenium Arch
1. Quad Box
2. Quarter Round
3. Ramp Session
1. Regional Security Officer
2. Resort Casual
3. Return on Objectives
1. Reviewing Stands
2. Risk Monies
5 Principles of Event Design
1. School Room Perpendicular Set-Up
2. School Room V Set-Up
1. Screen/Audience Distance
2. Scrim
3. Segue
1. Set Dressing/Trim Props
2. Shell Scheme
3. Shipper's Export Declaration
1. Shirring the Drape
2. Show Card
3. Show Daily
1. Side Fills
2. Sight Acts
3. Signed Exception
1. Simple random sample
2. SLA
3. Sling
1. Smart Form
1. Soffit
2. Soft Currency
3. Sole Relay Interpreter
1. Sound Reinforcement
2. Sound Wings
3. Soundscape
1. Source Language
2. Speaker Platforms
3. Spike Mark (MARK)
1. Spot Exchange
2. Stack
3. Stage Master
1. Stage Plot
2. Stakes
3. Stand
1. Statement of Account
2. Steering Committee
3. Step-On-Guide
2. Style Sheet
3. Subvention
1. Subwoofer
2. Suitcasing
3. Superimposition
1. Suspend Elements
2. Switchboard
3. Switcher
1. Syndicate Room
2. Synchronization
3. T-3 Line
1. Tare Weight
2. Target Language
3. Tariff
1. Technical Director
2. Temporary Import
3. Temporary Import Bond
1. Think Tank
2. Three Sheet/Triple Sheet
3. Timecode
1. Tour Broker
2. Tour Escort
3. Tower
1. Trade-out
2. Transformative Learning
3. Transit
1. Transit Visa
2. Trapping
3. Tweeter
1. Two-Tiered Set-Up
3. UL 2305
1. Unconference
2. Underground hospitality suite
3. Underliner
1. Uniserve Property
2. Uplink
3. Use Day
1. Valance
2. Validated Export License
3. Value Added Tax (VAT)
1. Varietal Wine
2. Vertical Show
3. Vertical Union
1. Video Character Generator
Phillips ROI Pyramid
ROO - Return-on-Objective
Beverage Calulations
1. Vintage
2. Waiter Parade
3. Waiver of Subrogation
1. Walk On
2. Wash Light
3. Waybill
1. Wharfage
2. Whiteboarding
3. Windscreen
1. Yield Management
British Terms
1. Custom
2. Information
3. Party
4. semiannual
5. initiation fee
1. run for office
2. Over
3. To check
4. Engrave
Marketing Timeline