Erstellt von Averil Tam
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
1. TRUE/FALSE - developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).
a) Ultrasound is the investigation of choice in the first six months of life for suspected DDH.
1. TRUE/FALSE - developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).
b) A normal newborn examination rules out rules out the possibility of DDH.
1. TRUE/FALSE - developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).
c) Asymmetric skin folds on the thighs are a reliable sign of DDH in a baby.
1. TRUE/FALSE - developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).
d) DDH is a benign self resolving condition.
1. TRUE/FALSE - developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).
e) A family history of DDH is an indication for hip ultrasound in a newborn even if the hips appear normal on clinical examination.
a) Septic arthritis of the hip requires urgent management.
b) A three year old boy presents with a history of limp of a few days duration but otherwise looks well. The most likely diagnosis is Perthes disease.
c) A 12 year old boy presents with knee pain of 3 weeks duration. The knee is normal on examination. The boy has been well, afebrile but the pain has been progressive and he is now unable to weight bear. There is a history of being bullied at school. In the setting of a
normal knee examination, the knee pain is most likely to be of psychosomatic origin in this child.