Erstellt von Riya Vaidya
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
You are more likely to fall for someone in everyday circumstances. The more you see people the more that you like them. E.g. also can be linked to listening to songs on the radio more often can make you like them more.
What is did Mcknight find out about Proximity & Propinquity studies?
What did Byrne find out in regards to Proximity & Propinquity?
What did Priest & Sawyer (1974) find out about Proximity & Propinquity?
Why doesn't proximity always work?
Who claimed that if it was merely repeated
exposure to a stimulus that enhanced our liking then we should prefer photos of our facial images as we see them in a mirror?
How does Emotional Arousal effect the way you judge people on an attraction basis?
Which study did Dutton & Aaron conduct?
Why should emotional arousal lead to attraction?
What did Green, Buchanan & Heuer (1984) analyse in regards to Physical attractiveness?
Results from Walster et al. dance experiment showed that the more attractive you were rated by the observers the more you were liked by your date.
Deux & Hanna?
Many benefits to attractiveness
Ravin & Rubin (1983)?
What makes people attractive?
Cultural effects on beauty Ingleby (1981)?
What are the most important determinants of similarity in relationships?
Similarity: Many studies show that people tend to be attracted to others who are similar to themselves.
Kandel (1978) and Craddock (1990)?
Which part of the brain lights up when women go through a break up?
Who works through relationships break ups and marriage better?
(Stroebe, 1988).
Who suffers from a break up more?
25% of all murders are a reaction to Jealousy. If a woman finds another partner men often resort to hurting the woman or even murder.