There are degrees of latitude from the equator to the poles.
The equator is found at degrees latitude.
The poles are found at degrees latitude.
According to the data....If the angle of sunlight increases then
distance from earth increases
energy hitting the earth increases
energy hitting the earth decreases
it is an equinox all over the earth
On June 21st the northern hemisphere is experiencing summer because...
there are more greenhouse gases in June
the angle of sunlight is less direct or higher
the sun is closer to earth
the earth is tilted towards sun
According to the data which latitude would be warmest all year round.
The equator is warmest because it
receives less direct sunlight at lower angles
receives less direct sunlight at higher angles
receives more direct sunlight at higher angles
receives more direct sunlight at lower angles
According to the data this latitude line receives the least amount of energy
According to the data the northern tropics are warmest, or receive the most energy , on...
March 21st
June 21st
March 21
Describe the relationships between sunlight angle and solar energy.
The higher the angle the lower the energy
The higher the angle the higher the energy
The lower the angle the higher the energy
According to the data, the distance from the earth to the sun...
has little effect on heating because the earth is closest to the sun during June.
has a huge effect on heating because the earth is farthest from the sun during June
has a huge effect on heating because the earth is farthest from the Sun during June
has no effect on heating because the earth is farthest from the sun during June.
So, apparently this has the greatest effect on the heating of the earth and its seasons.
distance from earth to the sun
the tilt of the earth and the angle of the sun's rays
proximity to oceans
the presence of polar ice caps