Stephanie Werner
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

PSYCH EXAM 2 Quiz am exam 2- chapter.14, erstellt von Stephanie Werner am 24/09/2018.

Stephanie Werner
Erstellt von Stephanie Werner vor fast 6 Jahre

exam 2- chapter.14

Frage 1 von 29


Over the past year, a woman has cooked gourmet meals for her family but eats only tiny servings. She wears layered, loose clothing and now has amenorrhea. Her current weight is 95 pounds, a loss of 35 pounds. Which medical diagnosis is most likely?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Anorexia nervosa

  • Binge eating disorder

  • Bulimia nervosa


Frage 2 von 29


Disturbed body image is the nursing diagnosis for a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder. Which outcome indicator is most appropriate to monitor?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Weight reaches the established normal range for the patient.

  • Patient expresses satisfaction with body appearance.

  • Calorie intake is within the required parameters of the treatment plan.


Frage 3 von 29


A patient who is referred to the eating disorders clinic has lost 35 pounds in the past 3 months. To assess the patient’s oral intake, the nurse should ask:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • “What do you eat in a typical day?”

  • “Who plans the family meals?”

  • “Do you often feel fat?”


Frage 4 von 29


A patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa virtually stopped eating 5 months ago and has lost 25% of body weight. A nurse asks, “Describe what you think about your present weight and how you look.” Which response by the patient is most consistent with the diagnosis?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • I am fat and ugly.”

  • “What I think about myself is my business.”

  • . “I am grossly underweight, but that’s what I want.”


Frage 5 von 29


A patient was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. The history shows the patient virtually stopped eating 5 months ago and has lost 25% of body weight. The patient’s current serum potassium is 2.7 mg/dl. Which nursing diagnosis applies?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, related to malnutrition as evidenced by loss of 25% of body weight and hypokalemia

  • . Ineffective health maintenance, related to self-induced vomiting as evidenced by swollen parotid glands and hyperkalemia

  • Disturbed energy field, related to physical exertion in excess of energy produced through caloric intake as evidenced by weight loss and hyperkalemia


Frage 6 von 29


Outpatient treatment is planned for a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Select the most important outcome related to the nursing diagnosis: Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements. Within 1 week, the patient will:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • gain 1 to 2 pounds.

  • select clothing that fits properly.

  • weigh self accurately using balanced scales.


Frage 7 von 29


Which nursing intervention has priority as a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa begins to gain weight?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Observe for adverse effects of re-feeding.

  • Assess for depression and anxiety.

  • Communicate empathy for the patient’s feelings.


Frage 8 von 29


A patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa is resistant to weight gain. What is the rationale for establishing a contract with the patient to participate in measures designed to produce a specified weekly weight gain?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Patient involvement in decision-making increases a sense of control and promotes compliance with the treatment.

  • Because severe anxiety concerning eating is expected, objective and subjective data must be routinely collected.

  • A team approach to planning the diet ensures that physical and emotional needs of the patient are met.


Frage 9 von 29


The nursing care plan for a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa includes the intervention “Monitor for complications of re-feeding.” Which body system should a nurse closely monitor for dysfunction?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Cardiovascular

  • central nervous system

  • endocrine


Frage 10 von 29


A psychiatric clinical nurse specialist uses cognitive therapy techniques with a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Which statement by the staff nurse supports this type of therapy?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • “Being thin does not seem to solve your problems. You are thin now but still unhappy.”

  • “It must be difficult to talk about private matters to someone you just met.”

  • “You seem to feel much better about yourself when you eat something.”


Frage 11 von 29


An appropriate intervention for a patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa who binges and purges is to teach the patient to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • avoid skipping meals or restricting food.

  • eat a small meal after purging.

  • concentrate oral intake after 4 PM daily.


Frage 12 von 29


What behavior by a nurse caring for a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder indicates the nurse needs supervision?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The nurse uses an authoritarian manner when interacting with the patient.

  • The nurse’s comments are nonjudgmental.

  • The nurse teaches the patient to recognize signs of increasing anxiety and ways to intervene.


Frage 13 von 29


A nursing diagnosis for a patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa is: Ineffective coping, related to feelings of loneliness as evidenced by overeating to comfort self, followed by self-induced vomiting. The best outcome related to this diagnosis is, “Within 2 weeks the patient will:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • . identify two alternative methods of coping with loneliness.”

  • verbalize the importance of eating a balanced diet.”

  • verbalize two positive things about self.”


Frage 14 von 29


Which nursing intervention has the highest priority for a patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • . Assist the patient to identify triggers to binge eating.

  • Provide corrective consequences for weight loss.

  • Explore patient needs for health teaching.


Frage 15 von 29


One bed is available on the inpatient eating disorders unit. Which patient should be admitted? The patient whose weight dropped from

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 150 to 100 pounds over a 4-month period. Vital signs: temperature, 35.9° C; pulse, 38 beats/min; blood pressure, 60/40 mm Hg

  • 120 to 90 pounds over a 3-month period. Vital signs: temperature, 36° C; pulse, 50 beats/min; blood pressure, 70/50 mm Hg

  • 110 to 70 pounds over a 4-month period. Vital signs: temperature, 36.5° C; pulse, 60 beats/min; blood pressure, 80/66 mm Hg


Frage 16 von 29


While providing health teaching for a patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, a nurse should emphasize information about:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • recognizing symptoms of hypokalemia.

  • . self-esteem maintenance.

  • establishing the desired daily weight gain.


Frage 17 von 29


As a patient admitted to the eating disorders unit undresses, a nurse observes that the patient’s body is covered by fine, downy hair. The patient weighs 70 pounds and is 5 feet, 4 inches tall. Which condition should be documented?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Lanugo

  • stupor

  • aleopeica


Frage 18 von 29


A patient being admitted to the eating disorders unit has a yellow cast to the skin and fine, downy hair covering the body. The patient weighs 70 pounds; height is 5 feet, 4 inches. The patient is quiet and says only, “I won’t eat until I look thin.” What is the priority initial nursing diagnosis?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, related to self-starvation

  • Ineffective coping, related to lack of conflict resolution skills

  • Disturbed body image, related to weight loss


Frage 19 von 29


A nurse conducting group therapy on the eating disorders unit schedules the sessions immediately after meals for the primary purpose of:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • processing the heightened anxiety associated with eating.

  • focusing on weight control mechanisms and food preparation.

  • shifting the patients’ focus from food to psychotherapy.


Frage 20 von 29


Physical assessment of a patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa often reveals:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • prominent parotid glands.

  • peripheral edema.

  • thin, brittle, hair


Frage 21 von 29


Which personality characteristic is a nurse most likely to assess in a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Rigidity, perfectionism

  • carefree, flexibiility

  • Open displays of emotion


Frage 22 von 29


Which assessment finding for a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder meets a criterion for hospitalization?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Systolic blood pressure: 62 mm Hg

  • Serum potassium: 3.4 mEq/L

  • Pulse rate: 58 beats/min


Frage 23 von 29


Which statement is a nurse most likely to hear from a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • “I would be happy if I could lose 20 more pounds.”

  • My parents don’t pay much attention to me.”

  • “I’m thin for my height.”


Frage 24 von 29


Which nursing diagnosis is more applicable for a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa who restricts intake and is 20% below normal weight than for a 130-pound patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa who purges?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements

  • disturbed body image

  • ineffective coping


Frage 25 von 29


An outpatient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa has begun re-feeding. Between the first and second appointments, the patient gained 8 pounds. The nurse should:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • assess lung sounds and extremities.

  • suggest the use of an aerobic exercise program.

  • positively reinforce the patient for the weight gain.


Frage 26 von 29


. When a nurse finds a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa vigorously exercising before gaining the agreed-upon weekly weight, the nurse should state:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • According to our agreement, no exercising is permitted until you have gained a specific amount of weight.”

  • “Let’s discuss the relationship between exercise and weight loss and how that affects your body.”

  • “It bothers me to see you exercising. You’ll lose more weight.”


Frage 27 von 29


A patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa has a body mass index (BMI) of 14.8 kg/m2. Which assessment finding is most likely to accompany this value?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Cachexia

  • Leukocytosis

  • Hyperthermia


Frage 28 von 29


A patient referred to the eating disorders clinic has lost 35 pounds in 3 months and has developed amenorrhea. For which physical manifestations of anorexia nervosa should a nurse assess? Select all that apply.

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Peripheral edema

  • Parotid swelling

  • hypertension

  • constipation

  • dental caries

  • luango


Frage 29 von 29


A patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa is hospitalized for treatment. What features should the milieu provide? Select all that apply.

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • . Flexible mealtimes

  • unscheduled weight checks

  • adherance to a selected menu

  • Observation during and after meals

  • monitoring during bathroom trips

  • Privileges correlated with emotional expression
