Volume of a room
Square ft.
CFM per ton of cooling
Define CFM
Find CFM for 14,400 cubic ft. room needing 5 air changes per hour
What is the cross section of 10in round metal duct
Please excuse my dear aunt sally
Sensible heat equation
BTUH Latent heat equation
Total heat equation
how to convert Watts to BTU's
Resistance in series
resistance in parallel
capacitors in series
hp2 =
static pressure 2 =
revolutions per minute
What are the 3 fan laws
area of a rectangle
area of a circle
diameter of a circle:
air velocity
air velocity equation
static pressure is measured in
What does delta mean
pi =
h.g. stands for:
atmosphere pressure at sea level
1psi = ( )w.g.
1psi = how many
in h.g:
feet of water:
in of w.:
turn btu sensible equation into cfm equation
latent heat also refers to
psychrometer unit of measurement
convert 10in by 8in sq duct from sq into sq ft.
velocity =