What is the definition of Ethology?
How does Ethology define communication?
What is Communication?
Why do insects communicate?
What is intra specific communication?
What are some examples of intra specific communication?
What is interspecific communication?
What is an example of interspecific communication?
What are the three different Communication Modes of Insects
What are the advantages to
Visual Communication?
What are the disadvantages of Visual Communication?
*MT: What makes ants taste bad?
What UV spectrum can insects see?
Why can't insects see red?
What wavelength do humans see?
What are Nectar guides?
How did Karl von Frisch insects cannot see red?
What also changes an insects sight?
What is an example of a Passive Visual Signal in insects
What are the different types of Mimicry in Insects?
What is Batesian Mimicry?
What is Mullerian Mimicry
What is an Aggressive Mimic?
What is an Acoustic Aggressive Mimic?
Why do fireflies create light?
How do fireflies create light?
Are fireflies flies?
What are the advantages of Insect Sounds?
What are the disadvantages of Insect Sound
What are the 5 types of ways insects make sounds?
What type of Sound is Insect Stridulation?
What type of Sound is Insect Knocking or Tapping?
What type of Sound is Insect Vibrating Membranes?
What type of sound is Hissing?
What sort of insect sound is wing vibration?
What are insect sounds for?
What are the advantages of Chemical Communication in Insects?
What is the on disadvantage of Chemical Communication?
What are pheromones?
What are the 5 different types of Pheromones?
Pheromones are typically ____ specific
What gender typically produces Pheromones?
Who figured out the "dance" of the Honey Bee?
Describe the Honey Bee Dance
Describe the key characteristics of the Honey Bee Dance