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The Mass MediaDefining the Media: Agencies of communication thattransmit information, education, news and entertainmentto mass audiences.3 TypesPrint mediaAudio-visual mediaCybermedia or Digital mediaTerrestrial and satellite TVRadioCinemaNewspapersMagazinesComics/BooksSocial Networking e.g. FacebookMobile phones/Mp3 playersGames industryFormal Controls of the MediaThe lawThe Laws of LibelThe Official Secrets ActDefence Advisory (DA) NoticesThe Racial and Religious Hatred ActThe Obscene Publications ActContempt of Court ProvisionsForbid the publication of an untrue statementabout a person which may bring them intocontempt, ridicule,dislike or hostility in society.Makes it a criminal offence to report,without authorisation, any officialgovernment activity which the governmentdefines as an 'official secret'.Issued by the governmentas requeststo journalists not to report natio.alsecurity information which thegovernment believes may be useful toan enemy.Forbid the expression of hatred ordiscrimination against people becauseof their ethnic group or religiousbeliefs.Forbids the public of anything the courtdeems to be obscene and indecent.Forbids the reporting, expression ofopinions or publication of materials aboutcases which are in process.How media is controlledOfficial government press conferencesLeaks and off-the record briefingsThe use of government spin doctorsRefusal to issue broadcasting licensesRefusal to all the use of some forms of internet softwareThe electronic surveillance of emailspress conferences with journalists and editors.informal through which thegovernmenttry to influence what isreported in the news.try to manipulate the media by providing a afvourableslant to a potentially unpopular or controversial news item.refuses to issue them to those who aredeemed unfit or unsuitable.the use of filtering and surveillence software to block access tosome internet sites.monitoring of websites and interception ofmobile calls.Doppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen