To receive a diagnosis of epilepsy a patient must have at least seizures at least hours apart, have an , or seizure with at least a % chance of more seizures over the next years.
status epilepticus is a seizure that lasts over minutes
status epilepticus has a 20% mortality rate if prolonged over minutes
❌ is an awareness of impending seizure that includes HA, insomnia, irratibility, and feeling of impending doom.
❌ is a focal onset seizure where the patient doesn't lose consciousness but may have minor symptoms such as lip smacking, scratching, hallucinations, snapping the fingers, etc...
The three main epileptic drugs that lead to drug drug interactions are , , and
The population should be tested for HLA before initiation with
HLA alleles and both have an increased risk of with .
eslicarbazepine is a prodrug for active metabolite of