Shari Anderson
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American Pageant; Chapter 23

Shari Anderson
Erstellt von Shari Anderson vor mehr als 5 Jahre

23 Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age, 1869-1896

Frage 1 von 14


Despite his status as a military hero, General Ulysses S. Grant proved to be a weak political leader because he:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • was personally dishonest and corrupt

  • did not believe in the principles of the Republican party

  • was unable to get others to follow his lead

  • had no political experience and was a poor judge of character

  • lacked political ambition


Frage 2 von 14


Which political emotion motivated the Liberal Republican revolt from the regular Republican party in 1872?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Dismay at the Republicans' weakness in upholding radical Reconstruction in the South

  • Nostalgia for leadership like that of the martyred Abraham Lincoln

  • Disgust at the corruption and scandals of the Grant administration

  • A fervent passion for reforms on behalf of women and blacks

  • A desire to strengthen the federal government's regulation of big business


Frage 3 von 14


All of the following were causes of the panic that broke out in the United States in 1873 EXCEPT:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a ripple effect from similar, simultaneous economic panics in Europe and worldwide

  • the expansion of more factories, railroads, and mines than the existing markets would bear

  • bank failures resulting from imprudent financial loans made by bankers in support of questionable business ventures

  • the loss of substantial financial investments by speculators in dubious and unsustainable business ventures.

  • Wall Street's fears about the power of the radical Greenback party


Frage 4 von 14


What was a key result of the Republican hard-money policies in the mid-1870s?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The rise of the American dollar against foreign currencies

  • Damage to the country's credit rating

  • The return to the silver "Dollar of Our Daddies" as the dominant form of U.S. money

  • The defeat of a Democratic House of Representatives in 1874

  • A political turn tot he Democrats and the new Greenback Labor Party


Frage 5 von 14


Which development was a critical reason for the extremely high voter turnouts and partisan fervor of the Gilded Age?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The radical ideological differences between the Democratic and Republican parties

  • Sharp ethnic and cultural differences in the membership of the Democratic and Republican parties

  • Religious conflict between Catholics and mainline Protestants

  • Political differences over the policy issue of civil service

  • Sectional tensions among the Northeast, Midwest, and South


Frage 6 von 14


All of the following were among the groups that formed the solid political base of the Republican party in the late nineteenth century EXCEPT:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • northern big cities

  • Union Civil War veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic

  • southern black freedmen

  • the Midwest

  • the rural and small-town Midwest


Frage 7 von 14


What political development resulted from the Compromise of 1877?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A renewal of the Republican commitment to protect black civil rights in the South

  • The withdrawal of federal troops and abandonment of black rights in the South

  • The election of a Democrat to the presidency

  • Republican support for an inflationary silver money policy

  • A plan to build the first transcontinental railroad


Frage 8 von 14


At the end of Reconstruction, southern whites disenfranchised African Americans, using all of the following strategies EXCEPT:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • literacy requirements

  • poll taxes

  • economic intimidation

  • lynching

  • the use of federal troops to discourage African Americans from voting in elections


Frage 9 von 14


Which of the following was NOT a cause of labor unrest in the 1870s and 1880s?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Agitation by communist sympathizers

  • Reductions in wages by railroad owners and other industrial employers

  • Competition of cheap labor from recently arrived immigrants from China

  • Conflict between ethnic groups for unskilled jobs

  • Years of depression and deflation that undermined workers' living standards


Frage 10 von 14


All of the following internal developments in China during the late nineteenth century resulted in Chinese immigration to the United States EXCEPT:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the disintegration of the Chinese Empire

  • the seizure of farmland by landlords

  • the intrusion of European powers

  • The Nationalist Communist Civil War

  • limited economic opportunity for Chinese peasants


Frage 11 von 14


With the passage of the Pendleton Act, prohibiting political contributions from many federal workers, politicians increasingly sought money from

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Labor Union

  • Farmers and Agrarian Associations

  • Foreign Contributors

  • Contractors doing business with the Federal Government

  • Large Corporations


Frage 12 von 14


Which policy of President Grover Cleveland represented a departure from the broad consensus of most Gilded Age presidents?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A higher tariff rate

  • A lower tariff rate

  • Anti-lynching laws

  • Government Aid to Farmers

  • Inflation of the Currency by making Silver into Gold


Frage 13 von 14


How did the billion dollar Congress quickly dispose of rising government surpluses?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Congress provided subsidies to wheat, corn, and cotton farmers

  • Congress built an expensive new steel navy

  • Congress expanded pensions for Civil War veterans

  • Congress cut tariffs and other taxes

  • Congress increased spending on railroads and other transportation projects


Frage 14 von 14


President Cleveland's response to the depression of the 1890s demonstrated that he:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • was able to work effectively with J.P. Morgan to address the problems of unemployment

  • understood the problems of urban workers better than those of farmers

  • had a weak grasp of the economic theory that lay behind the demand for free silver

  • was unable to deal effectively with such a massive economic crisis

  • was able to skillfully incorporate some populist proposals into the Democratic party
