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vor fast 6 Jahre
What is the structuralist theory definition of culture?
What is the social action theory definition of Culture?
What is a subculture?
How can a subculture become a counterculture?
What are some exampes of subcultures?
What does Hebdige [1995] Argue?
What are universal traits?
What are some examples of universal traits?
Why aren't cultue and society the same thing?
How does culture and society link within each other?
What is high culture?
Examples of high culture?
What is low Culture?
Examples of Low Culture?
What is Mass Culture?
How do Marxists view Mass Culture?
What are the main characterists of mass culture?
What is Folk Culture?
What is popular Culture?
How has mass media effected popular culture?
What do postmodernist think about popular culture?
What is Global Culture?
What is consumer Culture?
Is there still a division between high and popular culture?
Is there still a division between high and popular culture?
What is Identity?
How does our identity effect socialisation?
How do we study social Identity?
How is social identity defined?
How does family socialisation effect a child's identity?
What is Imitative play and how does it effect socialisation?
What is collective identity?
How do we distinguish ourselves from others?
How is identity socially caused?
How is identity socially constructed
What does Marshall [1998] Suggest about the definition of identity?
What is a product of individual identity
What is cultural Identity?
what is social identity?
what is individual identity?
what is a stereotype?
what is interactionists view on identity?
what is a structuralists persepective on identity?
what is a postmodernists perspective on identity?
what did Hobsbawn [1996] say about identity?