2021Lillian Huffman
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Long multiple choice quiz on APUSH, Chapters 1-21 (W.W. Norton 9th Edition)

2021Lillian Huffman
Erstellt von 2021Lillian Huffman vor mehr als 5 Jahre

APUSH Midterm Practice Exam

Frage 1 von 15


Which is true of English society by the early 1600s? (Ch. 2)

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The right to trial by jury had yet to be established

  • There was a growing population of beggars and vagabonds

  • There were no limits in the power of the monarch

  • Titled nobles dominated the House of Commons

  • There was no significant class distinctions


Frage 2 von 15


The Glorious Revolution of 1688:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Increased the power of parliament

  • resulted in the execution of Charles 1

  • ended with the death of Oliver Cromwell

  • temporarily abolished the monarchy

  • delayed the American Revolution


Frage 3 von 15


the stockholders who invested in the Virginia Company were mainly motivated by:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • reiligon

  • a spirit of adventure

  • curiosity of the new world

  • personality loyalty to James I

  • financial profit


Frage 4 von 15


one outstanding characteristics of Jamestown in its initial years was:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • high % of slaves in the population

  • complete freedom of religion

  • the influence of women in its government

  • the absence of effective leaders

  • high mortality rate among the settlers


Frage 5 von 15


as Jamestown's leader, Captain John Smith:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • made the colony a democracy

  • tried to wipe out Powhatan's Confederacy

  • made the colonists work in order to eat

  • argued that the colony should be abandoned

  • discovered deposits of gold and silver


Frage 6 von 15


the Jamestown colony finally attained a measure of prosperity from:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • land sales

  • trade with indians

  • gold discoveries

  • tobacco

  • trade with Spanish Florida


Frage 7 von 15


the headright system adopted for the Virginia colony consisted of:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • giving 50 acres of land to anyone who would transport himself to the colony and 50 more for any servants he might bring

  • selling wives to single men

  • auctioning slaves

  • giving free land to all servants

  • giving free land in return for 5 years of military service


Frage 8 von 15


in 1624, a British court dissolved the struggling Virginia company and Virginia:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • was merged with New England

  • no longer existed

  • became a royal colony

  • lost all its funding

  • was given to the kings brother, Duke of York


Frage 9 von 15


Bacon's Rebellion:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • brought indentured servants and small farmers against the colony's rich planters and politicians

  • had the support of indians

  • resulted from changes in the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina that discriminated against Puritans

  • forced Governor Berkeley to abandon the colony and return to England

  • sought to make Virginia independent of England


Frage 10 von 15


Maryland was established in 1634 as a refuge for:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • debtors

  • Puritans

  • ex-convicts

  • Anglicans

  • English Catholics


Frage 11 von 15


the early settlers of New England differed from those of the Chesapeake by being primarily:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • English

  • Protestant

  • white

  • middle class

  • male


Frage 12 von 15


all of the following are true about Pilgrims EXCEPT that they:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • established the Plymouth colony

  • based their initial colonial government on the Mayflower Compact

  • were Separatists who had abandoned the Church of England

  • originally fled to Holland

  • were a sect of radical Catholics


Frage 13 von 15


New England's Congregationalist churches were:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • open the everyone

  • self governing

  • tolerant of other religions

  • morally opposed to slavery

  • financially supported by the king


Frage 14 von 15


when John Winthrop spoke of "a city upon a hill" he was referring to the colony's desire to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • be financially successful

  • become independent of England

  • serve as a model Christian community

  • establish an ideal government

  • convert the indians to Christianity


Frage 15 von 15


Roger Williams believed:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Puritanism was the only suitable religion for MA

  • in the propriety of linking church and state

  • Indians should be forcibly Christianized

  • that compulsory church attendance was an important tenet of the Christian faith

  • it was wrong to confiscate Indian lands
