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Surah Jumuah and Surah Munafiqoon are both Macci Surah. (True or False)
Both the Surah begin with the Tasbih of Allah. (True or False)
Who were the Ummiyin ? Choose the Right Answer
The Persians
The Non Arabs
The Arabs
Who was the head of the Munafiqoon ? Choose the Right Answer
Abu Jahl
Abu Lahb
Abdullah bin Ubayy
How do we benefit from the Quran ? Choose the Right Answer
Tilawah of the Quran
Tazkiya by Taqliya and Tahliya
Taleem of the Quran and Sunnah
On which occasion did Abdullah bin Ubayy cause mischief among the Ansar and Muhajireen ? Choose the Right Answer
On the expedition of Banu Mustaliq in the 6th Hijri
Battle of Uhad
Battle of Trench
What is the Fadl of Allah ? Choose the Right Answer
Prophethood given to Muhammad( s )
Quran being revealed to Muhammad( s )
We are able to relate and benefit from the Quran
We are able to seek knowledge and act upon it
Listening to Abdullah bin Ubayy spitting out venom, he immediately brought the matter to the Prophet( s) . Who was this ? Choose the Right Answer
Zayd bin Haritha
Abu Sufiyan
Zaid bin Arqam
Who is compared to a Donkey and Why ? Choose the Right Answer
The Jews were given the Taurah however they only hoarded their knowledge and didn't implement
Like a donkey who is carrying books and does not know what is in those books
They are those who deny the Revelations of Allah
What are some of the claims the Jews made and even some of the Muslims make today ? Choose the Right Answer
The Jews say, " We are the favorites of Allah "
The Muslims today say, " We are the Ummah of Muhammad(s ) ,we are guaranteed shifaa "
Both believe Jannah is waiting for them
Flickering Iman is a sign of Nifaq. (True or False)
If Jannah is waiting for them, why is it they don't wish for Death ? Choose the Right Answer
They will never wish for death because they want to serve the Deen.
They will never wish for death because they want to be with their families.
They will never wish for death because of the guilt of their wrong doings
Allah curses the Munafiqoon. (True or False)
If you are wealthy, your wealth will not delay your death and if you are a scholar, your knowledge will not delay your death. (True or False)
Maal and Aulad are a distraction. How ? Choose the Right Answer
When Maal and Aulad occupies our mind and hearts
When we are always concerned and worried about its gain and loss
It's gain will make us forget the remembrance of our Creator, it's loss will dispair us from Allah
What happens after Mauth comes ? Choose the Right Answer
Jannah will be granted immediately.
Forgiveness will surely be granted.
Allah will inform us about what we used to do.
Who are the Loosers ? Choose the Right Answer
Those who have no wealth.
Those who have no children.
Those who were engrossed in their Maal and Aulad and never prepared for their Akhirah
What is the Ruling of Salatul Jumuah ? Choose the Right Answer
Immediately leave every business and attend the Qudba
It is important to be in the Masjid before the Imam comes to the membar.
Remember Allah much so that you may be successfully in the duniya and Akhirah
Infaq is the solution for Nifaq. (True or False)
Allah is the Best Raziqin. (True or False)
When death comes he will say. Choose the Right Answer
O my Rabb, if only you could delay my death for a while.
Then I would give sadaqa
Then I would be among the Saulaiheen
But the fact is Allah will never delay anyones death. (True or False)
Take advantage of your health before you fall sick. (True or False)
Take advantage of your free time before you become busy. (True or False)
Take advantage of your life before your death. (True or False)