How is size related to SA:V in animals?
What 3 factors make up a good exchange system?
What changes occur during inspiration?
What changes occur during expiration?
What features of the trachea are there?
What are the features of the bronchioles?
What are the features of the alveoli?
Why is diffusion from alveoli to blood rapid?
What is and how do you calculate breathing rate?
What is and how do you calculate oxygen uptake?
What is the tidal volume?
What is a spirometer?
What is the total lung capacity?
What is vital capacity?
What is residual volume?
What is inspiratory reserve volume?
What is expiratory reserve volume?
What is and how do you calculate minute ventilation?
How does oxygen reach the muscles in the wings of insects?
What is the trachea of insects made of?
What are spiracles?
How do insects respond to high oxygen demand?
How do fish take in water?
How do fish get the oxygenated water over their gills?
What are the gills like in bony fish?
What is the countercurrent exchange system?
What is an open circulatory system?
What is a closed circulatory system?
What are the advantages of a closed system?
What is a single circulatory system?
What is a double circulatory system?
What are the advantages of a double system?
What is an artery?
What is an arteriole?
What are capillaries?
What are venules?
What is a vein?
What is tissue fluid?
What is hydrostatic pressure?
What is oncotic pressure?
What happens at the arteriole end of the capillary bed?
When happens at the venule end of the capillary bed?
Heart diagram.
What do valves have to prevent them from turning inside out?
What is the order of the cardiac cycle?
How is the cardiac cycle coordinated?
What do the letters on an ECG represent?
What is Bradycardia?
What is tachycardia?
What is fibrillation?
What is an ectopic heartbeat?
Describe haemoglobin.
Briefly describe the movement of haemoglobin from the lungs to the tissues.
What is partial pressure?
Explain the oxygen dissociation curve.
Explain the difference between foetal Hb and adult Hb.
What effects does carbon dioxide have on the ppo2 in the blood?
Describe the transport of CO2 in the blood.
What are the features of a palisade cell?
What are the features of guard cells?
What are the features of root hair cells?
What are the features of epidermal tissue?
What are the features of the vascular tissue?
What are the features of the meristematic tissue?
Why do plants need transport systems?
Describe a xylem vessel.
Describe a phloem vessel.
Describe the structure of xylem and phloem in the roots.
Describe the arrangement xylem and phloem in stems.
What is parenchyma tissue for?
What is collenchyma tissue for?
What is sclerenchyma tissue for?
What is the order that water moves in a plant?
How does water move into the root hair cells?
How does water move from the root hair cells to the endodermis?
How does water move from the endodermis to the xylem?
How does water move from the xylem up the stem to the leaf?
How do you prepare a potometer correctly?
What plant features are there that may affect transpiration rate?
What effects can weather conditions have on transpiration rate?
What is translocation?
What are the plant assimilates?
What is the source and what is the sink?
What is active loading?
Describe the movement from source to sink.
How can a plant root be a source or a sink?
What evidence is there for translocation in phloem?
What are xerophytes?
How can plants limit water loss?
What is marram?
What are hydrophytes?
What problems are there for the roots of hydrophytes (and adaptations)?