Erstellt von baldocksally
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Technical Classes are Useful for a Dancer Because...
Describe a Joint.
Ways joints connect are...
Hinge joints allow...
Ball and socket joints allow...
Where would you find a synovial joint, and what is it's purpose with regard to dance?
Where would you find a cartilaginous joint, and what is it's purpose with regard to dance?
The body can do these types of movements...
The types of joint are...
What is the purpose of the skeleton?
What is purpose of the muscles?
What is the purpose of flexibility?
What limits flexibility?
The types of stretching are...
Describe PNF stretching.
Describe static stretching.
Describe ballistic stretching.
Why is ballistic stretching not recommended?
The health benefits of warming up are...
Aerobic exercise...
You should do an aerobic warm for...
Stretching can help a dancer by...
A dancer should participate in a technique class to improve...
The stronger the dancer...
Muscles are attached to the bones by...
Tendonitis is...
To reduce the likelihood of tendonitis...
Muscles and tendons are usually injured by...
Factors affecting performance and progress...
Tension in the body can cause...
A relaxed dancer will have better...
Diet should imply...
Proteins are for...
Carbohydrates are for...
Fats are for...
Vitamins are...
Minerals are for...
Water is for...
You should eat...
The food you eat should give you...