Erstellt von Scarlett Plum
vor etwa 10 Jahre
According to researchers, which of the following statements is false?
a. discrimination against minorities is both direct and indirect.
b. the juvenile justice system processes adolescent females in a discirminatory fashion.
c. some status offenders are bootstrapped into being classified as delinquent offenders.
In colonial days, the ______ was assumed to be the primary source of youths' problems
Elliott and colleagues contend in their integrated social process theory that:
the penal system of hte colonies was modeled after the ______ system?
Freudian theory agrees that:
Psychopathic personalities may be the result of:
which of the followng is a major function of hte juvenile court?
the approach that takes the position youths are deemed delinquent only becuase someone tags them as delinquent is the ________ approach.
which of hte following is a function of corrections?
which of the following is supported by proponents of the get tough philosophy
an analysis of the threat of the dangerous poor suggest that much early concern over crime in the u.s. was the result of fear of:
the factors that keep the juvenile justice system from dealing effectively wiht youth crmes include:
theories that examine the interactons between people and their enviromnment are called:
those who claim that no reason exists for separate theories toaccount for female and male delinquency are considered
victimization studies find that:
the problem of hte uniform crime reports include:
the fourth amendment ot hte constitution of the u.s. deals with:
african americans are more likely to be
which of hte following is an inaccurate statement about the findings of the UCR?
with what is the fifth amendment primarily concerned in juvenile interrogations
in re gault stated which of the following
discretion is when
the uniform crime reports are compiled by the