Erstellt von Annette Hendley
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Acids are useful but the can also be .........?
Who cleans acid spills on roads?
Why are acids in food safe but not in cleaning materials?
Why do hydrangeas have different colour flowers in different areas?
acidic solution on red litmus paper
neutral solution on red litmus paper
alkaline on red litmus paper
acidic solution on blue litmus paper
neutral solution blue litmus paper
alkaline solution on blue litmus
What happens if an acid and base get mixed?
What gives the red flames in fireworks?
Where does the green in fireworks come from?
Where does the blue come from in fireworks?
What happens if you mix baking powder and vinegar
What happens if you mix iron powder and sulfur powder
What happens if you mix sand and water?
Corrosion is the same as...?
What is the flammable gas given off when a metal reacts with a acid?
Is limescale a base or an acid?
What causes acid rain?
Which buildings are in danger because of acid rain?
Three things fire needs to start and continue burning
Who first studied chemistry
Who helped to discover oxygen?
Chemical formula of Nitric Acid?
Chemical formula for sulfuric acid?
Chemical symbol for phosphoric acid