Erstellt von James Drummond
vor etwa 10 Jahre
What does 'new' do in Javascript?
What is hoisting in Javascript?
When you declare a variable and assign a value and it's hoisted, is the value hoisted with the declaration?
What are the five 'falsey' values in Javascript?
What are some features of Ecmascript 6?
How do you test if something is an array?
What are the four types of function invocation in Javascript?
What is a closure
What are the datatypes in Javascript?
What is the quickest way of finding an element in an array?
How do you compare objects for equality in Javascript?
What is a polyfill?
What is the purpose of Object.create()?
What are some built in methods of Object?
Why would you use hasOwnProperty()?
What are some built in methods of Array?
What is typeof null?
What is typeof NaN?
What is typeof null?
What does 'use strict' do?
What are some bad things about Javascript?
How do you determine if an object is a prototype of another object?
How do you add two arrays together in Javascript?
How would you create a subclass in javascript with Object.create()?
How do you create a subclass using new?
What is the constructor property in Javascript?
How do you insert a character into a string in Javascript?
How do you remove an item from the beginning of an array?
How do you add an item to the beginning of an array?
How do you find the index of an item in an array?
How do you remove an item from an array?