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Barth (2018): Wat is accounting?
learned profession
informed economic reality
Accounting judgements requires objectief thinking to create useful information that can help decision-makers make better decisions
These decisions have consequences for economic reality and, thus, accounting purposes
This is the ‘information perspective’ on accounting, which has been a cornerstone of academic research for more decades
accounting is record-keeping and the creation of financial reports according to a set of rules.
Barker Schulte (2017), What is an institution?
agreed-upon means for creating rights and obligations
The use of an accounting basis is perhaps best perceived as a pattern of behaviour and our starting point is an institutional perspective of ‘understanding social behaviour as a historically informed development of rules of “appropriate” behaviour’.
a pattern of behaviour becomes finally routinised and fully taken-for-granted
institutions are mechanisms that facilitate efficient exchanges and interactions between economic players
humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction’ (p. 3) that provide the ‘rules of the game in society’ (p. 3) where the actions of players (organisations) are governed by rules (institutions).
Georgiou Jack 2011, p.311: Wat is volgens deze artikel de Institutional approach?
Institutionalisation: a pattern of behaviour becomes finally routinised and fully taken-for-granted
an institution is an agreed-upon means for creating rights and obligations among agents.
Institutions influence organisational choices by defining which actions are suitable and supportable in an economy
North* (1990) Definition of institutions?
Humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction' (p. 3) that provide the 'rules of the game in society' (p. 3) where the actions of players (organisations) are governed by rules (institutions).
Economic welfare broadly refers to the level of prosperity and living standards of either an individual or a group of persons.
Economic Activity consists of all activities that generate Economic Value
Why do we have reporting standards?
Economic welfare broadly refers to the level of prosperity and living standards of either an individual or a group of persons.In the field of economics, it specifically refers to utility gained through the achievement of material goods and services. In other words, it refers to that part of social welfare that can be fulfilled through economic activity.
Economic value creation is regulated to increase social welfare
In market economies, regulators are employed to guide this process
Capital allocation is only a small part of the broad economic process to generate Economic Value
Capital allocation deals with selecting investments projects with positive Net Present Value (NPV)
Accounting is only a small part of the economic value creation process
Acccounting Information provides information to facilitate Capital Allocation
Inputs: Expected cash flows Outputs: Return on Investment
Managers respond to varying levels of rule precision by varying their earnings management attempts to minimize the chance their auditors will require adjustments.
Why do we have IFRS?
help eliminate barries to cross-border trading
Meer betrouwbare en transparante jaarrekeningen.
Eenvoudige vergelijkbaarheid
Stijging efficiënte markt.
Lagere kosten stijging kapitaal
Verbeterd de concurrentie en helpt met groei
Economische welvaart stijgt indien binnen een land regulatie sterk is met sterke instituties. Hierdoor stijgt ook de kwaliteit van de informatie.
Hoe creëren we High Quality accounting?
Hoge kwaliteit accounting = Hoge economische welvaart
Door audit af te schaffen
Meer conservatism in de jaarrekening
HQI heeft te maken met de volgende factoren: internal controls, incentives, auditing en standaarden.
How do accountants think about value?
Conservative: record reliable values: the best historical record >> Historical Cost Accounting (HCA)
Future oriented: provide relevant information: best estimate of present value of future benefits >> Fair Value Accounting (FVA)
Despite accounting standard setters advocating the increased use of fair value, not everyone is convinced that it is a legitimate conceptual basis for accounting.
Representation of economic ‘reality
Critical Question: How should we Implement IFRS Standards in Financial Reports to maximize economic welfare for investors?
Conservatisme: Leg betrouwbare waarde vast. Het beste manier is historische kostprijs accounting
Nolder & Kadous (2018)p.2: Wat is professional skepticism?
Professional skepticism can be conceptualized as both a mindset and an attitude.
Mindsets consist of a collection of judgment criteria and cognitive processes and procedures to facilitate completion of a particular task (openness or receptivity to information and the extent to which they seek out confirming or positive information).
mindset conceptualization of professional skepticism captures the idea that information processing—in particular, critical thinking—is an essential component of skepticism.
Attitudes are evaluative responses associated with a target.
exclude beliefs and feelings that drive individuals intentions and actions
Relevant targets for the attitude of professional skepticism are the financial statements
Attitudes are evaluative responses associated with a target. Include beliefs and feelings that drive individuals‘ intentions and actions.
Relevant targets for the attitude of professional skepticism are the financial statements (i.e., management's assertions) and the evidence.
Barker Schulte 2017, p.55: At the heart of the method of financial accounting is the balance sheet, which is a representation of economic ‘objective’, in the form of a summary of the rights (assets) and obligations (liabilities) of a reporting entity.
Georgiou & Jack (2011), p.311: Wat heeft volgens deze artikel IFRS veranderd?
IFRS heeft de de bestaande concept van historische kostprijs en stewardship veranderd en de standaarden zijn nu meer gericht op investeerder beslissingen en toekomstige kasstromen en fair value.
Ze focussen zich op de verandering naar fair value waardering. Hiermee wordt verandering van historische naar economische gerealiseerd. Hiernaast wordt ook de verandering van weergave economische realiteit bewerkstelligt.
The conceptual underpinnings of the standards move accounting practice away from established concepts of historical cost and stewardship towards concepts of investor decisions based on future cash flows and fair values
Wat is het doel van artikel Georgiou & Jack (2011)? Ze focussen zich op de verandering naar fair value waardering.
Barker & Schulte (2017), p.56: In this paper, we interpret the introduction of fair value measurement (FVM) in IFRS as a shift in metaphorical construct, from the historical to the economic, and so also as a shift in the accounting representation of economic ‘reality’.
Despite accounting standard setters advocating the increased use of fair value, everyone is convinced that it is a legitimate conceptual basis for accounting.
What is the Relation Financial Reporting Quality & Audit Quality?
managers respond to varying levels of rule precision by varying their earnings management attempts to minimize the chance their auditors will require adjustments
managers were more likely to attempt earnings management that were either structured to comply with precise standards or unstructured with respect to imprecise accounting standards
Auditors often compromise in client negotiations when accounting standards do not provide precise guidance
auditors are less likely to adjust earnings management attempts that were either structured to comply with precise standards or unstructured with respect to imprecise accounting standards
auditors are more likely to adjust earnings management attempts that were either structured to comply with precise standards or unstructured with respect to imprecise accounting standards
Auditors not compromise in client negotiations when accounting standards do not provide precise guidance
What is Economics instituions?
mechanisms that facilitate efficient exchanges and interactions
rules of the game in society
rules that facilitate efficient exchanges and interactions