Erstellt von Morgan Morgan
vor etwa 10 Jahre
The pancreas contains two glands called the?
The endocrine tissue consists of cells called ?
What do they do?
Each islet is composed of three types of cells?
Alpha cells secrete a hormone called?
Beta cells ?
Delta cells produce a hormone called ?
Insulin promotes entry of glucose into ...................................... and stores the glucose as.....................
Where is glucose stored?
In adipose tissue, insulin converts glucose into?
Insulin dependent diabetes (type 1) usually results from?
Diabetes is associated with which disease?
The onset of diabetes follows a ?
Insulin also promotes the entry of ?
Insulin cannot be given to ?
Type 1 diabetes occurs primarily in ? There is a ................................. .............................. to type 1 diabetes.
Body weight?
Diabetic Ketoacidosis is caused by a?
What happens?
In patients with diabetic ketoacidosis their breath smells of?
Non-insulin-dependent (type 2) usually affects ?
The islets secrete?
but the tissues are?
The impaired response to insulin is linked to?
A hyperosmolar coma results from ?
Type 2 is a?
Treatment for Type 1 patients?
Treatment for Type 2 patients?
Random or 2 hour post glucose load test?
What is the main test to diagnose diabetes?
HbA1c measures?
The ideal level is?
There is a ... to....% reduction in risk of ..................disease with every....% (10mmol/mol) reduction of hemoglobin A1c.
Symptoms of Hyperglycaemia in Type 1 diabetes?
Weight loss due to?
Type 2 diabetes is associated with?
Patients with Type 2 are on?
Blood pressure?
Insulin resistance precedes Type 2 diabetes by up to 20 years.
>......% of Type 2 diabetes patients are insulin resistant.
Secondary causes of diabetes 4
Gestational diabetes
What type of test is required?
Treated with?
The overall effect of diabetes?
MODY stands for?
What type of diabetes?
Onset (age)?
What are the three main drug options for treating type 2 diabetes?
METFORMIN activates?
How do you administer insulin?
What is hypoglycemia?
How to treat hypoclycemia?
Mild case?
Serious case?
Low density lipids function?
High density lipids are produced in? It transports ?
Which drug minimises LDL?
Polyol pathway steps