Erstellt von elizabethc2114
vor etwa 10 Jahre
'She should have been buried out of Christian burial'
'Why, might not that be the skull of a lawyer?
'If he be not rotten before he die'
'That is Laertes, a very noble youth'
'Her death was doubtful'
'Shards, flints, and pebbles should be thrown on her. Yet here she is allowed her virgin rites'
'Her fair and unpolluted flesh'
'A minist'ring angel shall my sister be
When thou liest howling'
'What, the fair Ophelia!'
'Sweets to the sweet. Farewell. I hoped thou shouldst have been my Hamlet's wife. I thought thy bride-bed to have decked, sweet maid, and not t'have strewed thy grave'
'Yet I have something in me dangerous'
'Why, I will fight with him upon this theme
Until my eyelids will no longer wag'
'I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers
Could not, with all their quantity of love,
Make up my sum- What wilt thou do for her?
'O, he is mad, Laertes'
'Such bugs and goblins in my life'
'It is indifferent cold, my lord, indeed.'
'Methinks it is very sultry and hot for my complexion'
'Exceedingly, my lord. It is very sultry, as 'twere- I cannot tell how'
'If it be now, 'tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come'
'How I am punished with sore distraction'
'I here proclaim was madness'
'His madness is poor Hamlet's enemy'
'Cousin Hamlet'
'Our son shall win'
'He's fat, and scant of breath'
'Gertrude, do not drink'
'I will, my lord, I pray you pardon me'
'Here, thou incestuous, murd'rous, damned Dane, drink off this potion'
'To tell my story'