Erstellt von Daniel Cormack
vor fast 10 Jahre
Electoral System: FPTP - General Info
Electoral System: FPTP - Arguments in Favour -Simple to understand.
Electoral System: FPTP - Arguments in Favour - Tends to lead to single party governing
Electoral System: FPTP - Arguments in Favour - Stable Government
Electoral System: FPTP - Arguments in Favour - MP link
Electoral System: FPTP - Arguments Against - Wasted Votes
Electoral System: FPTP - Arguments Against - Minority Vote Victory for party
Electoral System: FPTP - Arguments Against - Safe seats vs marginal seats
Electoral System: AMS - General Info
Electoral System: AMS - Arguments For - Simple voting.
Electoral System: AMS - Arguments For - Support for candidate without going against party.
Electoral System: AMS - Arguments For - Saved Scottish Tories from pol extinction.
Electoral System: AMS - Arguments Against - List MSP link.
Electoral System: AMS - Arguments Against - Designed to create coalitions BUT 2k11
Electoral System: AMS - Arguments Against - Voters unrepresented.
Electoral System: STV - General Info
Electoral System: STV - Arguments in Favour - Greater choice.
Electoral System: STV - Arguments in Favour - Proportional results.
Electoral System: STV - Arguments in Favour - Fewer wasted votes.
Electoral System: STV - Arguments Against - Poor turnout.
Electoral System: STV - Arguments Against -Process of counting.
Electoral System: STV - Arguments against - Coalitions more likely.
Voting Behaviour: Social Class
Voting Behaviour: Geographical location (LINK WITH SOCIAL CLASS.)
Voting Behaviour: Social Class SCOTLAND
Voting Behaviour: Gender
Voting Behaviour: Race
Voting Behaviour: Media - Part 1
Voting Behaviour - Media - Part 2
Voting Behaviour - Media - Part 3
To what extent can the HOC scrutinise the work of the Executive? - Intro
To what extent can the HOC scrutinise the work of the Executive? - Parliamentary Questions
To what extent can the HOC scrutinise the work of the Executive? - Parliamentary Debate.
To what extent can the HOC scrutinise the work of the Executive? - Select Committees
To what extent can the HOC scrutinise the work of the Executive? - PM Qs.
Conflict between Local Gov and Scottish Gov. - Intro
Conflict between Local Gov and Scottish Gov. - Local gov details and background.
Conflict between Local Gov and Scottish Gov. - Scottish Gov Role.
Conflict between Local Gov and Scottish Gov. - Areas of Disagreement.
Conflict between Local Gov and Scottish Gov. - Changes to electoral system.
Citizens taking part/influence on political system. - Intro
Citizens taking part/influence on political system. - Voting for elected bodies.
Citizens taking part/influence on political system - Elected Body Cont
Citizens taking part/influence on political system. - Pressure groups
Citizens taking part/influence on political system. - Pressure Groups CONT