The actors came back for one FINAL BOW at the end of the play
That's more like it. Now that he is being honest, we are DISCOVERING THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THE PROBLEM.
Don't worry ma'am, we'll DETERMINE THE CORE OF the matter of your daughter's disappearance.
After two hours tinkering with your computer, I think I've UNDERSTOOD THE ESSENTIAL ASPECT OF the problem.
Few songs are big sellers, finding a place on the RANKED LIST OF THE MOST POPULAR SONGS.
THE DUTY /RESPONSIBILITY IS ON the parents to care for the child. It is their responsibility.
THE DUTY /RESPONSIBILITY IS ON us and whatever decision we make and how people interpret that in terms of our willingness to be open or not.
He had a rough life, but learned much in the UNIVERSITY OF LIFE / HARD KNOCKS
The emergency room physician was READY TO GO AND HELP for the weekend. He had his cell phone turned on and with him at all times.
Don’t worry, there’s a doctor READY TO GO AND HELP 24 hours a day.
Construction managers must be READY TO GO AND deal with emergencies.
When the toddler grabbed the books from her sister's arms, her sister was reduced to tears.
He scolded her so much that she was reduced to tears by the end of the meeting.
If they sell that house for the list price, they will be IN A GOOD/ SAFE/ COMFORTABLE POSITION
Compared with some, we are IN A GOOD/ SAFE/ COMFORTABLE POSITION.
With all the money you inherited from Aunt Myrtle, you'll be IN A GOOD/ SAFE/ COMFORTABLE POSITION for the rest of your life.
I know you are having a hard time right now, but I'll SUPPORT/ HELP/ COMFORT YOU when you need me.
Who would SUPPORT/ HELP/ COMFORT her when she needed a shoulder to cry on?
The mother of the baby triplets was RESTRICTED (BY RESPONSIBILITIES) to a schedule of diaper changes, bottles, laundry and naps.
I don’t want a relationship that RESTRICTED (BY RESPONSIBILITIES) me.
If you speak up for what you believe in, you are being (behaving according to your beliefs and doing what you think is right).
Try to remember that no matter how hard it gets, you have to remain (behaving according to your beliefs and doing what you think is right).
Union and management were both WILLING TO COMPROMISE TO REACH a deal to avert a strike or lockout.
Ever since her daughter had failed the test, the mother had been CONCERNED/ FREAKING OUT about her future.
Where have you been? We’ve been CONCERNED/ FREAKING OUT.
The salesperson GOES OUT OF HIS WAY to be helpful when they bought the car.
I have been GOING OUT OF MY WAY to make sure that you have a wonderful visit, and you don't even care!