Erstellt von mathieteal
vor etwa 10 Jahre
posterior or anterior lesion is common with nonfluent aphasia?
posterior or anterior lesion is common with fluent aphasia?
fluent or nonfluent aphasia abnormal prosody?
fluent or nonfluent aphasia normal rate of verbal output?
fluent or nonfluent aphasia difficulty with speech imiatation?
fluent or nonfluent aphasia has phrase with 9+ words?
fluent or nonfluent aphasia has 0-5 words?
receptive/expressive aphasia has impaired language comprehension?
receptive/expressive aphasia more posterior lesions?
receptive/expressive aphasia has more anterior lesions?
receptive/expressive aphasia has impaired language expression?
receptive/expressive aphasia is fluent?
receptive/expressive aphasia is nonfluent?
where is the perisylvian located?
perislyvian contains what for language?
extrasylvian areas are located where?
extrasylvian includes what motor and sensory areas?
Subcortical regions that can be impacted for lanaguge?
symptoms of subcortical BG damage?
symptoms of subcortical thalamus damage?
symptoms of anterior/posterior capsule damage?
Broca is BA what?
wernicke's area is BA what?
is there a 1-to - 1 correspondence to lesion and type of aphasia?
what is agrammatism?
what is anomia?
what is perseveration?
what is paraphasia?
semantic paraphasia ?
verbal (global) paraphasia?
phonological (verbal) paraphasia?
when is speech defined as jargon?
Brocas apahsia happens in which: MCA, PCA, ACA?
broca's aphasia: auditory comprehension?
broca - writing is?
broca - reading aloud is?
broca - reading comprhension?
who is more aware of their problem: broca or werickes?
TMA is affected in MCA ACA PCA?
where is the watershed region in TMA?
main difference between brocas aphasia and tma?
why doesn't Wernickes have hemiparesis?
wernickes is where in the MCA?
Conduction aphasia is in which region of the MCA?