what is a server
a place where data is stored and when you connect you can have access to this data.
this is a thing that you can buy to make your wifi better.
this is something that connects all different countries to the internet.
client is something that you use to send data packages quicker.
what does the router do?
makes servers and improves them.
helps people learn things about the internet like a manual.
directs packages and directs their route.
is a backbone a small cable.
what isn't an ISP?
talk talk
ISP will probably have more than one point of presences.
what is a network access point?
this is the same as an ISP
this is the same as POP
this is where two different networks interconnect
an advantage of dial up is that it uses existing wires and you dont need to make any new wires.
what does HTTP stand for?
hate transfer through protocol
hypertext transfer protocol
HTTPS will be on the website YouTube.
what best describes FTP
this is something that routes the packets
this is something that loads the internet
this is something that breaks up data into packets and then reassembles them
what does TCP stand for
take care please
transmission control protocol
touch control payment.
IP stands for information protocol
SMTP stands for service maker through protocol
what does IMAP do?
this receives e-mails and then lets you access the e-mails
this is the protocol that sends the e-mail to the e-mail server
you can still connect to the internet without a NIC
local database is more secure than online database.