Which of the following internal roadblocks to effective listening is exemplified by the statement, "We’ve never done it that way before?"
Resistance to change
Halo effect
Hearing only facts and not feelings
To help project your voice:
Shout so you can be heard over side conversations.
Talk faster, with long phrasing.
Sit down to relax your diaphragm and vocal cords.
Lower the pitch of your voice.
When presenting to an audience:
Imagine that you are talking directly to the person who is farthest away.
Avoid pausing because pauses make you appear unsure.
Use a monotone voice so individuals with limited English proficiency can follow.
Pace of the entire presentation the same, for consistency.
In most situations, it is better to use your natural voice rather than a microphone, even if a few people at the back of the room have trouble hearing you.
In most emergency situations, you will use __________ to communicate.
Only technology that does not depend on electricity
A mixture of low- and high-technology tools
The most sophisticated technology tools
Primarily television broadcasts