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Du hast 30 Minuten um die 15 Fragen in diesem Quiz zu beantworten.
(Ayah 143) And thus likewise.... How do we understand this part of the Ayah ? Choose the Right Answer
Thus likewise We have given you Deen
Thus likewise We have taken away the Deen from you
Just as We have guided you to a Right Direction
We have made you an Ummah which is Wasath. How ? Choose the Right Answer
In time of existence
Moderation with regards to commands
A middle link ; the responsibility to take the Deen forward
Why are we made the Best Ummah ? Choose the Right Answer
In duniya : in taking the Deen forward we fulfill our responsibility
In akhirah : As witness , that we conveyed the message to the people
Because we are born to a Muslim family
What makes us the Best Ummah ? Choose the Right Answer
We must follow the Quran and Sunnah and never abandon it
B. Learn the Deen and take it forward ✅
Be a Muslim and never be divided
Why was the change of Qibla ordained on the believers ? Choose the Right Answer
To test the believers
To negate the arguments by the people of the book and the maccans
So that Allah may perfect the Deen and give us guidance ✅
The command of Qibla being the Kabba is repeated 4 times in the Quran. (True or False)
Remember Allah by obeying Him and Allah will remember you with His forgiveness. (True or False)
Ingratitude is kufur. (True or False)
What is munkar ? Choose the Right Answer
That which is not accepted by the shariya
That which Allah and His Rasool( pbuh ) have forbidden or disliked
Something which harms oneself and others
Prophet Muhammad( pbuh ) traced its ancestry back to the Prophet Ibrahim( as) through Prophet Ismail( as). (True or False)
Hashim is Muhammad( pbuh ) great grandfather. (True or False)
Abdul Muttaalib is Muhammad( pbuh ) grandfather. (True or False)
Abdullah is Muhammad( pbuh ) father. (True or False)
Muttalib was Hashim's brother. (True or False)
Shayba came to be known as Abdul Muttalib which means ,Muttalib's slave (True or False)