Erstellt von ellie.tidy
vor etwa 10 Jahre
What happened at the Bay of Pigs?
Who was the leader of Cuba before Castro?
What does revolution mean?
Which leader of Cuba was friendly with America?
Who replaces Stalin as the new soviet leader?
What did Khrushchev say about nuclear missiles?
What does the IBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) do?
How did the USA have a good relationship with Batista?
How did the USSR support the Castro regime?
How did the USA know there were missile sights in Turkey?
Why did Khrushchev put missiles in Cuba?
What year was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What was the missile gap?
How did the missile gap being shown in the media impact the American public?
Why was there tension between the USA and the USSR?
What was the "Berlin Blockade"
What were the causes of the Berlin Blockade?
By the 1960s, who had more missiles?
What was Khrushchev hoping to achieve regarding the missile crisis?
What options did Kennedy have regarding the missile crisis?
What option does Kennedy choose in dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What offer does Khrushchev make in his first letter?
How does Khrushchev adapt his message in his second letter?
What does Kennedy do in reaction to these letters?
Name 3 outcomes of the Cuban Missile Crisis