Erstellt von JD Advising
vor etwa 5 Jahre
In what ways does a judge maintain independence and impartiality of the judiciary?
In what ways must a judge refrain from acting with bias or prejudice?
In what ways is a judge forbidden from being swayed by external influences?
What are the requirements of a judge’s duties of competence and diligence?
How can a judge ensure that all parties are afforded the right to be heard?
What factors are considered in determining whether a settlement is appropriate?
How must a judge act with decorum toward jurors?
May a judge or the members of his staff make public comments about pending or impending cases?
Who must a judge supervise?
What must the judge consider when making administrative appointments? (1)
What must the judge consider when making administrative appointments? (2)
What should a judge do if he believes that a lawyer or another judge is impaired or disabled?
When must a judge take action upon learning of judicial or lawyer misconduct?
When may a judge participate in ex parte communications? (1)
When may a judge participate in ex parte communications? (2)
What should a judge do if she inadvertently receives an ex parte communication?
May a judge conduct an independent investigation into the facts of a matter?
When must a judge disqualify himself?
What are the situations in which a judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned? (1)
What are the situations in which a judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned? (2)
May a judge engage in extrajudicial activities? What may the judge NOT do?
May a judge appear voluntarily before a public hearing with an executive or legislative body?
May a judge affiliate with a discriminatory organization?
May a judge participate in educational, religious, charitable, fraternal, or civic organizations or activities?
What types of educational, religious, charitable, fraternal or civic organization activities may a judge participate in? (1)
What types of educational, religious, charitable, fraternal or civic organization activities may a judge participate in? (2)
When may a judge accept an appointment to serve in a fiduciary position?
May a judge serve as an arbitrator or mediator apart from their official duties?
May a judge engage in the private practice of law?
May a judge accept compensation for extrajudicial activities?
What items may a judge accept without having to publicly report such acceptance? (1)
What items may a judge accept without having to publicly report such acceptance? (2)
What items may a judge accept, but which the judge must report such acceptance?
When may a judge accept reimbursement for expenses associated with participation in extrajudicial activities?
What items or amounts received MUST a judge report?
What are some things that a judge or judicial candidate shall not do? (1)
What are some things that a judge or judicial candidate shall not do? (2)
What principles apply to judicial candidates in public elections?
How must a candidate for judicial office manage a campaign?
What principles must a judicial candidate instruct his campaign committee with regard to accepting donations?