Esmeralda Espitia
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Adult health 2 test 2 Quiz am spinal cord injury , erstellt von Esmeralda Espitia am 12/02/2020.

Esmeralda Espitia
Erstellt von Esmeralda Espitia vor mehr als 4 Jahre

spinal cord injury

Frage 1 von 10


A client has suffered a spinal cord injury after a fall. When he is brought in for care, the client experiences diaphoresis and headache. The nurse notes that his blood pressure is 174/102 mmHg. Which action should the nurse perform first?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Raise the head of the bed, lower the legs, and remove constrictive clothing

  • Apply hemodynamic monitoring

  • Ask the client to perform the Valsalva maneuver

  • Assess the client for fecal impaction


Frage 2 von 10


A 22-year-old client has suffered a spinal cord injury in which he is experiencing spinal shock and cannot feel his legs. Twenty-four hours after the injury, the client tells the nurse, “This will be good for me. I can handle this and I’m doing fine.” Which response from the nurse is most likely indicated?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Ask the client if he would like to speak with a spiritual advisor or social worker

  • Continue to treat the client as is but remind him that he may never walk again

  • Make arrangements for the client to be discharged to home

  • Document the client's positive attitude regarding this life-changing disability


Frage 3 von 10


A client with a spinal cord injury has difficulty determining when the bladder needs emptied. The nurse teaches the client about tapping to stimulate voiding. How would the nurse describe tapping to this client?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The area over the bladder is tapped to stimulate the bladder muscles

  • The client bears down to increase pressure and then taps the base of the abdomen to release urine

  • The client wears a device that acts as a tap or faucet to stop and start urine flow

  • The client alternately taps the abdomen and the back to signal messages across the body to promote urination


Frage 4 von 10


The most appropriate prevention against spinal cord injury is which of the following actions?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Use seat belts in the car

  • Avoid horseback riding without a helmet

  • Avoid surfing

  • Drink in moderation before driving


Frage 5 von 10


The nurse knows that a client suffering from complete paralysis from the waist down would have the condition of which of the following?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Hemiparesis

  • Hemiplegia

  • Paraparesis

  • Paraplegia


Frage 6 von 10


The nurse is on a rapid response team that has responded to a code blue. The victim is a visitor who has fallen down a flight of stairs and is unresponsive. A cervical spine injury is suspected. In order to perform CPR safely, what is the best initial intervention?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Jaw thrust maneuver

  • Chin tilt maneuver

  • Nasotracheal intubation

  • Cricothyroidotomy


Frage 7 von 10


A client has suffered a spinal cord injury after a diving accident. When first brought to the emergency room, the client is suffering from spinal shock. Which symptoms best describe this condition?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Flaccid paralysis and anesthesia in the lower extremities

  • Hypertension, headache, and blurred vision

  • Back pain, muscle spasms, and difficulty walking

  • Decreased venous return and skin breakdown in the extremities


Frage 8 von 10


The client has a spinal cord injury and is suffering from spinal shock. Which of the following is an expected symptom in spinal shock?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Bradycardia

  • Spasticity

  • Increased visceral reflexes

  • Hypertension


Frage 9 von 10


A client is being seen in the emergency department after a spinal cord injury. The client initially states an inability to feel anything below the shoulders. At which point would this client need to be intubated with an endotracheal tube?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The point at which the client has a Glasgow Coma Score of 8

  • The point at which the client has a respiratory rate of 10/minute

  • The point at which the client's oxygen saturation is 88 percent on room air

  • Upon discovering that the client has a pneumothorax as seen on x-ray


Frage 10 von 10


The nursing care plan of a client with spinal cord injury should include which of the following? Select all that apply.

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Maintain stable vital signs

  • Provide skeletal traction

  • Prepare client for surgical stabilization of spine

  • Begin aggressive steroid therapy

  • Administer antispasmodics
