Tumour Naming
Named according to: 1. 2. 3.
Benign epithelial tumour: suffix
Malignant epithelial tumour: suffix (if gland cell)
Benign mesenchymal tumour: suffix
Malignant mesenchymal tumour: suffix
What is Leukaemia?
Neoplasms in which there is an increase in
Malignant that are
Features of a benign tumour
Cytology shows cells that all look quite similar
Grow slowly
Don't metastasise
Enclosed in capsule
Mobile if under skin
Cytology shows varying cell sizes and looks chaotic
Grow rapidly
No capsule
Invade and destroy adjacent tissue
Features of a malignant tumour
Cytology show varying cell sizes and look chaotic
Clinical effects a neoplasm can have on the body Benign: ❌ ❌
Malignant: Interefere ❌ ❌ ❌ Interfere ❌ ❌ ❌
❌ ❌ e.g. hormones ❌
Methods by which tumours can spread
1. ❌ 2. ❌ 3. ❌
Three groups of carcinogens
1. 2. 3.