Esmeralda Espitia
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Adult health test 3 Quiz am Burns , erstellt von Esmeralda Espitia am 09/03/2020.

Esmeralda Espitia
Erstellt von Esmeralda Espitia vor mehr als 4 Jahre


Frage 1 von 15


1. A 65 year old male patient has experienced full-thickness electrical burns on the legs and arms. As the nurse you know this patient is at risk for the following: Select all that apply:

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • A. Acute kidney injury

  • B. Dysrhythmia

  • C. Iceberg effect

  • D. Hypernatremia

  • E. Bone fractures

  • F. Fluid volume overload


Frage 2 von 15


2. True or False: A patient who experiences an alkali chemical burn is easier to treat because the skin will neutralize the chemical rather than with an acidic chemical burn.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 3 von 15


3. As the nurse providing care to a patient who experienced a full-thickness electrical burn you know to monitor the patient’s urine for:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. Hemoglobin and myoglobin

  • B. Free iron and white blood cells

  • C. Protein and red blood cells

  • D. Potassium and Urea


Frage 4 von 15


4. Select the patient below who is at MOST risk for complications following a burn:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. A 42 year old male with partial-thickness burns on the front of the right and left arms and legs.

  • B. A 25 year old female with partial-thickness burns on the front of the head and neck and front and back of the torso.

  • C. A 36 year old male with full-thickness burns on the front of the left arm.

  • D. A 10 year old with superficial burns on the right leg.


Frage 5 von 15


5. You receive a patient who has experienced a burn on the right leg. You note the burn contains small blisters and is extremely pinkish red and shiny/moist. The patient reports severe pain. You document this burn as:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. 1st Degree (superficial)

  • B. 2nd Degree (partial-thickness)

  • C. 3rd Degree (full-thickness)

  • D. 4th Degree (deep full-thickness)


Frage 6 von 15


6. A 58 year old female patient has superficial partial-thickness burns to the anterior head and neck, front and back of the left arm, front of the right arm, posterior trunk, front and back of the right leg, and back of the left leg. Using the Rule of Nines, calculate the total body surface area percentage that is burned?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. 63%

  • B. 81%

  • C. 72%

  • D. 54%


Frage 7 von 15


7. A patient has a burn on the back of the torso that is extremely red and painful but no blisters are present. When you pressed on the skin it blanches. You document this as a:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. 1st degree (superficial) burn

  • B. 2nd degree (partial-thickness) burn

  • C. 3rd degree (full-thickness) burn

  • D. 4th degree (deep full-thickness) burn


Frage 8 von 15


8. A patient has experienced full-thickness burns to the face and neck. As the nurse it is priority to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. Prevent hypothermia

  • B. Assess the blood pressure

  • C. Assess the airway

  • D. Prevent infection


Frage 9 von 15


9. A patient is in the acute phase of burn management. The patient experienced full-thickness burns to the perineum and sacral area of the body. In the patient’s plan of care, which nursing diagnosis is priority at this time?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. Impaired skin integrity

  • B. Risk for fluid volume overload

  • C. Risk for infection

  • D. Ineffective coping


Frage 10 von 15


10. The nurse notes a patient has full-thickness circumferential burns on the right leg. The nurse would: select all that apply

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • A. Place cold compressions on the burn and elevate the right leg below the heart level

  • B. Assess the distal pulses in the right extremity

  • C. Elevate the right leg above the heart level

  • D. Place gauze securely around the leg to prevent infection


Frage 11 von 15


11. A patient is receiving IV Lactated Ringers 950 mL/hr post 18 hours after a receiving a severe burn. The patient urinary output is 20 mL/hr. As the nurse your next nursing action is to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. Increase the IV fluids

  • B. Continue to monitor the patient

  • C. Decrease the IV fluids

  • D. Notify the physician of this finding


Frage 12 von 15


12. A patient who is being treated for partial thickness burns on 60% of the body is now in the acute phase of burn management. The nurse assesses the patient for a possible Curling’s Ulcer. What signs and symptoms can present with this condition?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. Swelling and pain on the area distal to the burn

  • B. Burning, gnawing sensation pain in the stomach and vomiting

  • C. Dark red or gray sores on the soles of the feet

  • D. Difficulty swallowing and gagging


Frage 13 von 15


13. You’re assisting the nursing assistant with repositioning a patient with full-thickness burns on the neck. Which action by the nursing assistant requires you to intervene?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. The nursing assistant elevates the head of the bed above 30 degrees.

  • B. The nursing assistant places a pillow under the patient’s head.

  • C. The nursing assistant places rolled towels under the patient’s shoulders.

  • D. The nursing assistant covers the patient with sterile linens.


Frage 14 von 15


14. While collecting a medical history on a patient who experienced a severe burn, which statement by the patient’s family member requires nursing intervention?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. “He takes medication for glaucoma”.

  • B. “I think it has been 10 years or more since he had a tetanus shot.”

  • C. “He was told he had COPD last year.”

  • D. “He smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day.”


Frage 15 von 15


15. A patient is presenting with bright red lips, headache, and nausea. The physician suspects carbon monoxide poisoning. As the nurse, you know the patient needs:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A. Oxygen nasal cannula 5-6 Liters

  • B. 100% oxygen via non-rebreather mask

  • C. Continuous Bipap

  • D. Venturi mask 6 L oxygen
