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College-Level Nursing Block 3 Quiz am Bowel Elimination, erstellt von cpeters am 26/02/2015.

Erstellt von cpeters vor fast 10 Jahre

Bowel Elimination

Frage 1 von 25


During the nursing assessment a patient reveals that he has diarrhea and cramping every time he has ice cream. He attributes this to the cold nature of the food. However, the nurse begins to suspect that these symptoms are associated with:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Food allergy.

  • Irritable bowel.

  • Lactose intolerance.

  • Increased peristalsis.


Frage 2 von 25


When assessing a 55-year-old patient who is in the clinic for a routine physical, the nurse instructs the patient about the need to obtain a stool specimen for guaiac fecal occult blood testing (gFOBT):

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • If patient reports rectal bleeding.

  • When there is a family history of polyps.

  • As part of a routine examination for colon cancer.

  • If a palpable mass is detected on digital examination.


Frage 3 von 25


Which of the following medications listed in a patient's medication history possibly causes gastrointestinal bleeding? (Select all that apply.)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Aspirin

  • Cathartics

  • Antidiarrheal opiate agents

  • Nonsteroidal intiinflammatory drugs (NSDAIDS)


Frage 4 von 25


Nurses discourage patients from straining on defecation primarily because it causes: (Select all that apply.)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Pain

  • Impaction

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Dysrhythmias


Frage 5 von 25


A cleansing enema is ordered for a 55-year-old patient before intestinal surgery. The nurse understands that the maximum amount of fluid given is:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 150 to 200 mL

  • 200 to 400 mL

  • 400 to 750 mL

  • 750 to 1000 mL


Frage 6 von 25


A patient starts to experience pain while receiving an enema. The nurse notes blood in the return fluid and rectal bleeding. What action does the nurse take first?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Administers pain medication.

  • Slows down the rate of instillation.

  • Tells the patient to breathe slowly and relax.

  • Stops the instillation and obtains vital signs.


Frage 7 von 25


Number the steps to irrigating a nasogastric tube (NG) in correct order: 1) Slowly aspirate the syringe. 2) Reconnect the NG tube to suction. 3) Clamp and disconnect the NG tube. 4) Perform hand hygiene and apply clean gloves. 5) Insert tip of syringe into NG tube and slowly inject 30 mL saline.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  • 4, 1, 3, 2, 5,

  • 4, 1, 2, 3, 5

  • 4, 3, 5, 1, 2


Frage 8 von 25


List the correct order in which to apply on ostomy pouch: 1) Remove the used pouch and skin barrier. 2) Perform hand hygiene and apply clean gloves. 3) Assess the stoma for color, swelling, and healing. 4) Gently cleanse the peristomal skin with warm tap water. 5) Apply nonallergenic tape around the pectin skin barrier. 6) Cut an opening on the pouch 0.15-0.3 cm larger than the stoma. 7) Press the adhesive backing of the pouch smoothly against the skin.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 2, 3, 5, 1, 7, 6, 4

  • 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 7, 5

  • 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 7, 5

  • 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 5


Frage 9 von 25


A patient is admitted for lower gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. What color of stool does the nurse anticipate the patient to have?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Red

  • Black

  • Green

  • Orange


Frage 10 von 25


The nurse is caring for a patient with a colostomy. Which intervention is most important?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Cleansing the stoma with hot water

  • Inserting a deodorant tablet in the stoma bag.

  • Selecting a bag with an appropriate-size stoma opening.

  • Wearing sterile gloves while caring for the stoma.


Frage 11 von 25


The nurse understands that, when comparing nasogastric tubes used for gastric decompression, a Salem sump is specifically designed to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Minimize the risk of bowel obstruction.

  • Ensure drainage of the intestines.

  • Prevent gastric mucosal damage.

  • Promote resting the gut.


Frage 12 von 25


Before collecting a stool sample for occult blood, the nurse instructs the nursing assistive personnel to:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Ask the patient to void.

  • Wash the patient's perineum.

  • Secure a sterile, specimen container.

  • Plan to collect the first specimen of the day.


Frage 13 von 25


The nurse is taking a helath history of a newly admitted patient with a diagnosis Rule/out bowel obstruction. Which of the following is the priority question to ask the patient?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Describe your bowel movements.

  • How often do you have a bowel movement?

  • When was the last time you moved your bowels?

  • Do you routinely use stool softeners, laxatives, or enemas?


Frage 14 von 25


The nurse is caring for a 78-year-old man with diarrhea. Of the following problems, which is the most important to consider?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Malnutrition

  • Dehydration

  • Skin breakdown

  • Incontinence


Frage 15 von 25


The nurse recognizes which patient needs to use a fracture pan for a bowel movement?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The patient who is obese.

  • The patient experiencing confusion.

  • The patient on bed rest.

  • A patient recovering from hip surgery.


Frage 16 von 25


Most nutrients and electrolytes are absorbed in the:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Colon

  • Stomach

  • Esophagus

  • Small intestine


Frage 17 von 25


Which of the following should be included in the teaching plan for the patient who is scheduled for an upper GI series?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The patient will be allowed nothing by mouth after midnight.

  • General anesthetic is usually used for the procedure.

  • Moderate abdominal pain is common after the procedure.

  • A cleansing enema will be given the evening before the procedure.


Frage 18 von 25


Mrs. Anthony is concerned about her breastfed infant's stool, stating that is is yellow instead of brown. The nurse explains to Mrs. Anthony that:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The stool is normal for an infant.

  • A change to formula may be necessary.

  • It will be necessary to send a stool specimen to the laboratory.

  • Her infant is dehydrated, and she should increase his fluid intake.


Frage 19 von 25


After positioning a patient on the bedpan, the nurse should:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Leave the head of the bed flat.

  • Raise the head of the bed 30 degrees.

  • Raise the bed to the highest working level.

  • Raise the head of the bed to a 90-degree angle.


Frage 20 von 25


The physician has ordered a cleansing enema for 7-year-old Michael. The nurse realizes the maximum volume to be given would be:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 100- 150 mL

  • 150- 200 mL

  • 300- 500 mL

  • 600- 700 mL


Frage 21 von 25


A nurse is caring for a client who will perform fecal occult blood testing at home. Which of the following information should the nurse include when explaining the procedure to the client?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Eating more protein is optimal prior to testing.

  • One stool specimen is sufficient for testing.

  • A red color change indicates a positive test.

  • The specimen cannot be contaminated with urine.


Frage 22 von 25


A nurse is talking with a client who reports constipation. When the nurse discusses dietary changes that can help prevent constipation, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Macaroni and cheese

  • Fresh fruit and whole wheat toast

  • Rice pudding and ripe bananas

  • Roast chicken and white rice


Frage 23 von 25


A nurse is caring for a client who has had diarrhea for the past 4 days. When assessing the client, the nurse should expect which of the following findings? (Select all that apply.)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Bradycardia

  • Hypotension

  • Fever

  • Poor skin turgor

  • Peripheral edema


Frage 24 von 25


A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to an adult client in preparation for a diagnostic procedure. Which of the following are appropriate steps for the nurse to take? (Select all that apply.)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Warm the enema solution prior to instillation.

  • Position the client on the left side with the right leg flexed forward.

  • Lubricate the rectal tube or nozzle.

  • Slowly insert the rectal tube about 2 inches.

  • Hang the enema container 24 inches above the client’s anus.


Frage 25 von 25


While a nurse is administering a cleansing enema, the client reports abdominal cramping. Which of the
following is the appropriate intervention?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Have the client hold his breath briefly.

  • Discontinue the fluid instillation.

  • Remind the client that cramping is common at this time.

  • Lower the enema fluid container.
