Das ist ein zeitlich begrenztes Quiz.
Du hast 30 Minuten um die 19 Fragen in diesem Quiz zu beantworten.
(Ayah 211) The Prophet( pbuh) is told to ask the BI, why they didn’t accept him as their Prophet True or false
Allah is severe in retribution. When ? Choose the right answer
When we are ungrateful for the blessings and want something else instead
When Beef is made halal but we consider it inferior to consume it
Hijab is in my heart, i don’t need to wear
A disbeliever finds this duniya unattractive and prepares for the akhirah True or false
The root letter of Yas’kha’roona Is سخر True or false
Allah Provides Rizq. How ? Choose the right answer
Allah provides to a believer and a disbeliever
Allah gives to some in abundance and some He constricts
In the akhirah only the believers are provided rizq
Adam ( as )was the first Rasool True or false
When people deviated from Tauheed, Allah taala sent Messengers True or false
The Kitab is a judge between mankind. How ? Choose the right answer
The kitab gives solutions to the differences between people
The Prophet judges with the Kitab
Kitab is an old scripture and should not be observed
With all the diffrences a Momin will find the right solution from the kitab, with the permission of Allah True or false
Trials and challenges are a part of a believers life True or false
The root letter of Ba’ saa’ o is بءس True or false
The root letter of Zulzilu is زلزل True or false
Spending on ones parents is sadaqah True or false
The wealth that is given only to the poor is sadaqah True or false
Among the closest relatives, khala is the closest True or false
Following the commands of Allah is difficult sometimes but it is actually good for us True or false
Obeying shaitan is easy, enjoyable but it is harmful for us True or false
Hadith 42 teaches us never to despair from the Mercy of Allah and to keep seeking forgiveness from Him True or false
The Prophet himself sought forgiveness from Allah taala 70- 100 times in a week True or false