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Erstellt von Charlene Mandimutsira
vor etwa 10 Jahre
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Review Questions
How long (in months) can
maternal antibodies block a
primary immunological response
to a vaccine?
What are the symptoms of hookworms?
What is
Sarcoptic Mange also known as?
How are tapeworms transmitted?
What disease can a host animal get from ticks?
Describe Milk Fever
What is colic? What animal does
it affect?
Describe bloat:
What types of muscles does White Muscle Disease affect?
What are some symptoms of Demodectic mange?
What are the classes of parasites?
What is an argasidae tick?
What are the symptoms of the heel fly/ cattle grub?
Name examples of internal parasites/
Can parasites cause economic loss?
What is the difference between internal and external parasites?
Name some external parasite
control methods?
What are some common types of parasite diagnostic tests?
What is passive immunity?
What is the longest type of round worm?
How long is the beef or pork tapeworm?
What must happen in order for liver flukes to hatch?
How can you prevent Trichinosis?
What is the most common internal parasite in small animals?
What animal structure do whipworms live in?
What are the symptoms of earmites?
How are heartworms transmitted?
What is anemia?
What causes Blackleg?
How is foot rot caused?
How is bluetongue transmitted?
What is the cure for Bovine Virus Diarrhea?
How can Avian Influenza be prevented?
What is another name for ringworm?
What is the main symptom of facial eczema?
Kennel Cough formally was formally known as what?
What are the kinds of Feline Respiratory diseases?
What do you call an indication that a disease is present?
What is considered valuable information concerning understanding the life
cycle of parasites?
What conditions would lead to increased exposure to parasite eggs and a greater degree of infestation?