Erstellt von Evian Chai
vor fast 5 Jahre
What does the blastocyst give rise to?
What are the two layers of the blastocyst?
How does the blastocyst implant into the uterine wall?
What is gastrulation?
What are the functions of the hypoblast (outside) and epiblast (inside) made by the inner cell mass?
What do they form after?
What do cells ingressing into the primitive streak form?
What do cells at the surface form?
What is the order?
What do the engressing cells form? In what order?
Endoderm gives rise to
Mesoderm gives rise to
Ectoderm gives rise to
What do cells that move to the tip of the primitive streak form?
What do cells that are more along the primitive streak form?
What determines the medial lateral axis during gastrulation?
What determines the head-tail axis during gastrulation?
What do cells that move first form?
What do cells that move later form?
Where does the neural plate form?
What does the neural plate give rise to?
What is the process of neural plate folding and neuralation?
Where do motor neurons form?
Where do sensory neurons form?
What are neural crest cells?
How are cranial neural crest cells (CNCCs) formed?